Chapter 18

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"Alright, little devil, tell me... how hungry are you?" Levi asks, as soon as I get back in the house.

"Before you lie or downplay it, remember that in order for this to work you need to be hungry not starving. So, tell me on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being starving, where are you at right now." he adds.

I keep silent for a moment, contemplating my answer before finally replying.

"Maybe like... 7 or 8." I say, and he nods his head with a proud smile.

"Thank you for being honest. Go sit on the couch." he tells me, and I take off my shoes before making my way into the little living room and sitting down next to Salem.

"How are you doing, Angel? Damian said you had a nightmare and have spent the last 5 hours out there training." Salem asks softly.

"I'm okay... the training helped take my mind off everything and I'm getting a lot better, especially with Earth. Just wait until you see what I grew out there." I reply proudly, and he smiles widely.

"I'm proud of you and can't wait to see what you accomplished." he tells me happily, making me smile.

"So, before we start, I want you to know that there are 3 key steps to this process. Number 1, you need to learn how to feed without killing, which is what we will work on first. Number 2, learning to feed without being fully intimate, and lastly, the most difficult... learning to be intimate without feeding." Levi tells me, as he stood in front of us.

"Is that possible... for me?" I ask, feeling hopeful.

"Of course, but like I said... it will be the most difficult to learn, but with time and practice, it's definitely possible." he grins, and a small amount of relief floods through me.

There was hope to return to a somewhat normal life... and I was more then determined to achieve it. Especially after last night's nightmare... I would do everything possible to ensure it never became a reality.

"Ready to start?" he asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Can I go take a quick shower first?" I ask, and he lets out a small chuckle.

"Go ahead, in the meantime... Damian, get yourself ready to be seduced." Levi replies, turning his attention from me to him.

I quickly make my way up to the bathroom, not wanting to stick around for the awkwardness and take my time in the shower, doing my best to mentally and physically prepare myself for what's next.

An hour later and me and Damian are in the living room with Levi, while Salem hid himself away in the kitchen.

"All right, let's make some magic happen." Levi grins excitedly.

"I'm telling you, this isn't going to work with you in the room." Damian groans, clearly uncomfortable.

"How else am I going to guide her through if I'm not in the room? Just try to focus on enjoying it." Levi retorts.

I bite my lip, a wave of emotions flowing through me.

Of course, Damian was extremely attractive and at any other time in my life, I would have no problem fucking him... but after my recent encounters, I was terrified of taking it to far and the added pressure of being watched was making it hard to get myself in the mood to even do it.

"Lee... I don't think this is going to work.... when I... fed... I felt very different. I have no urge to do anything of the sort right now." I admit, trying to get used to the idea of what I had done.

"Okay, let's take a minute and think then. When you got to the club... who were you intimate with first?" he asks, and I frown not wanting to return to those memories.

"In order to learn, you need to accept what you did and learn from it. I know it's hard, but it's the only way to understand." he tells me, when I don't respond.

"The couple." I finally say.

"Okay, and what drew you to them out of everyone else in that moment?" he continues, and I let out a small sigh as I shut my eyes and focus on recalling the memory.

"Their smell... it was incredible... intoxicating. While we danced... I could feel the desire, lust and passion that they had for each other. It was so strong... so intense, they almost felt like my own. I knew I had wanted something from them, but I didn't understand it at the time. I ended up leading them to the lounge and things got heated from there." I explain, a blush rising to my cheeks as I remembered the intimate encounter.

It had been incredibly hot, and if hadn't ended so tragically, it would have been a moment I never wanted to forget.

"The bond was probably so strong due to their mate bond, and that's probably why it drew you in more then other couples. Nothing is more intense than true love's connection." Levi comments, no doubt thinking about Salem.

"They were werewolves?" I ask, and he nods his head.

"You didn't know?" he questions, and I shake my head.

I immediately begin to feel more guilty for what I had done to them.

"The others... what were they?" I ask.

"It's not important what they were, little devil. What happened was unfortunate, but things happen for a reason, and we need to move on from it, not dwell. Listen, I'm going to talk with Salem for a few minutes. I'll get you a drink to help you relax until I get back." Levi tells me, before walking to the kitchen.

I sit on the couch again as Damian stands there, clearly feeling unsure what to do with himself.

A few seconds later, Levi hands both me and Damian a drink before taking Salem upstairs to talk.

We sit silently, both sipping our glasses, until Damian breaks the tension.

"Not that it matters, but it was a human and mermaid. I'm only telling you to give you a peace of mind, but Levi is right. Don't dwell on it." he tells me.

"Thank you, for telling me." I reply, feeling mixed about the answer.

By the time we finish our glass, they still have yet to return, so Damian goes and refills the cups before we both down another glass.

"Maybe... we should try before he returns?" Damian awkwardly suggests.

"I... I can't. I don't want to hurt you." I tell him.

Before we can continue the conversation, the sound of someone coming down the stairs has us both silent before Levi pops into sight.

"Come with me, little devil." he tells me, and I set my empty glass down before making my way over to the stairs.

I follow him into their bedroom and see Salem standing next to the dresser waiting.

"Have a seat, little devil and make yourself comfortable." Levi tells me, shutting and locking the door behind me.

"What's going on?" I ask cautiously, looking at them both in confusion.

"Obviously, you feeding on Damian isn't going to work right now... but the fact is, you need to feed and if not soon, then your hungry will only continue to grow and like I said, we need you to feed before you hit the starvation point. So, after taking in the information you told me and talking to my sweet lover here, we both agreed that together, we will help you feed." he tells me with a grin.

"I'm sorry... how..." I begin to question, making Levi chuckle as Salem blushes.

"Our intimate connection will help trigger your need to feed... and from there, you will feed off me." Levi states confidently. 

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