Bell Test Pt.1

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The day Naruto didn't really want to see coming made it's appearance before him as he walked with a rather sour expression on his face into the classroom. The boy didn't really have an idea why, but his other was surprisingly very eager for this day. They'll be getting their sensei's and somewhere in the blonde's head, he had a faint idea of who it was going to be. But that thought would have to be put off until it was time to get picked up by their unknown assigned teachers. No, he honestly didn't care, the training him and his team would be doing is nothing different or even near what he does nowadays. He supposed he'll use it as warm-ups.

"It'll be sooo much fun. Don't you think, Naruto?"
"You're only saying that because it means you can fight. I'll make sure Kurama stops you before and damage can be done."
"Che, you take away the fun of everything. Fine."

Naruto breathed out heavily, he didn't feel like walking today in front of all those villagers. Instead, he simply appeared in front of the doors at the academy in a arrays of deep red and soft yellow fluttering butterflies. The boy didn't know exactly why his was butterflies, but they looked gentle and nice, so he didn't mind them.

Not bothering to look up from the floor once he opened the sliding door to the classroom, Naruto tried to make his way over to his seat near the window but was unexpectedly pulled to a stop by a rather strong force he couldn't pick up. Eyes blown wide and mouth frowning, the young blonde tried to make his body to move, but whatever was holding him down in place wasn't letting go nor releasing any pressure. Just adding onto his sour mood he was already in.

"Stop struggling. It's useless when my shadow holds you," a fairly familiar voice spoke out. It came from the top row.

The unknown forced identified as a shadow reached up to Naruto's face and raised up his chin so he was looking towards the way the voice came. And the boy would've been surprised if he didn't know who this jutsu belonged to, but of course he takes note of everyone's special jutsu. They were too interesting to not pay attention to. Yet, nonetheless, Naruto wasn't fond of being held down by something he couldn't see. Well, he didn't like it when he could see it either since it still meant he was being forced to hold still, but they work both ways.

"The hell do you want? And instead of holding me with your shadow, you could've just said my name," the blonde muttered in a rather fed up manner. He didn't wanted it to come out like that, but this wasn't a situation to take lightly. Nor was he going to act as if he didn't mind. For the first time, Naruto was speaking rudely by himself with no hesitation.

"Tsk, saying your name is too troublesome. Plus, it easier this way. With how you seem to have two different personas, I think it'll be safer if I handled it this way," Shikamaru said as he scratched the back of his neck. He's known for his keen eye, so catching something the other made a bit too obvious - just not by his full consent - wasn't out of the ordinary.

"I'd suggest you remove your shadow, Shikamaru. I'm not up for games today," Naruto stated sourly as he tried to move his head a bit higher since his neck was getting stiff. The movement made Shikamaru shocked as how he was able to move even with his shadow still possessing him.

"I'm not going to hide it, I'm obviously more stronger than you. Your shadow restricts most of my body from moving, I'll give you credit for that since it's not near it's full potential yet but it still manage to hold me back. But I could easily extent more power and break out I wanted to. So let me go, I don't need to wake back up to you with a broken arm if he decides that's most necessary," the young boy spoke firmly as he took heavy steps towards the brunette who just looked at him with a conflicted and slightly scared expression.

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