Most would say the light always rules over darkness. It makes sense to those who see it that way. But no one ever realized that the darkness, deep down, was always winning.
And still is.
'Victory is decided before the battle is fought' they quote. They quote it, but never look back at it when needed.
It doesn't matter how hard the light shines and cast down onto the dark abyss. You can see everything in the light, there is nothing hidden because there is nothing to hide when you have big pride and think you are the crown victor. But no one can see into the abyss, where tricks, evil, wickedness, and more can't be seen. That's why the darkness always wins.
It's just a matter of time before the pillar of brightness and purity comes crashing down and is replaced by a crooked pillar of sinister, sinful, vile corruptions of nothing more than the pair of hands that builded it up in the first place. And who do those hands belong to?
The same person who stood on the pillar of purity.
No one person is pure and untouched by a sense of unholy desires. There is always a spot where evil lies within-
"-it's just not big enough to bring out.' Gosh! Who wrote this book? All these words are messing with my head."
"What? Is that your 'evilness' taking over you Choji? Ha! I'd be damned if so."
"Shut up Kiba, I don't even know why you wanted me to see the book. Much less even read it too."
"Don't you find it sorta interesting though? Especially the part where it said that the one who built the pillar of evil, was the same one who stood on the pillar of light!"
"Goodness gracious, since when did you like listening to random things? Are you even Kiba? Hellll~oooooooo! Kiiibaaaa! Are you there?"
"Shut the hell up Ino! Is it wrong for me to be interested in this? Just because I don't like books or reading, doesn't mean I don't have a time where I go around trying to find things to do and discover!"
"Hmmm, I can make heads and tails with that, but what I can't make sense of, is why you decided to pick Choji. Like, look at this fella! Picking him to read is like trying to walk by a bird without making it run. It's impossible!"
"That metaphor doesn't really work but alright."
"I can't believe you know what a metaphor is Choji."
"Hey! I can pull my weight around too ya know!"
"You can pull it around but you can't seem to drop it around or lose it..."
"Nothing!"Ino continued to sip her cup of juice while desperately trying to suppress the bubbling fit of laughter that was sitting right inside of her. Ready to burst at any second. The three were sitting on the bench on top of the Ninja Academy's roof. It was peaceful and utterly refreshing compared to the continuous chores that the Sensei called 'missions' as the light breeze swayed and blew around them. Well, it was peaceful until something ruined that. What might you humbly ask? A person.
"Guys!" The distant figure running closer to them yelled. And probably at the top of their lungs too. "Guys, something bad happened!"
All three genins turned to face the yelling voice. And the owner of that voice was none other than Rock Lee. No wonder it sounded so loud.
"If it's that stupid old lady who keeps losing her cat every single five damn minutes, just leave us be!"
"What Ino said."
"No! It's about Team 7!"The sudden mention of Team 7 made Choji, Ino, and even Kiba listen up.
"Eh? What about them? Aren't they on some escort mission to the Hidden Village in the Mist? Gosh, they're lucky to get such an awesome job like that while we're stuck here."
"That's the thing! A messenger crow came back to the Hokage's office while I was there reporting a task my team did, and the look on Lord Hizuren's face definitely says the news wasn't good!"
"But what does that have to do with Naruto and the others?"
"Yea, we can't do anything from here even if it wasn't about them."

The Fallen Façade
أدب الهواة(UNDER EDIT. MISSING CHAPTERS ARE BEING WORKED ON) He was the 'deadlast' of the whole academy. Looked down upon, beaten and starved for as long as he could remember. No one dared look his way unless it was to tell him to get the hell out of here or...