Bell Test Pt.2

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It was the next day before Naruto could even register the sun poking itself above the horizon. The blonde was training non-stop last night and ended up exhausting himself out to the point it was his chakra pool that was the main source of energy until he ran out. His arm and leg muscles were so sore that he couldn't even process anything other than getting straight to bed. The bags under Naruto's eyes grew, his sleep cycle was more screwed up than it already was, and the warning he clearly gave Kurama was about to be broken. Was it for the greater good? The fox couldn't tell anymore.

"I'm not doing it," Kurama finally came to a decision as he turned towards the other blonde that stood beside him. "Naruraki, you do it."
"What the hell? You're turning to me for help?"
"The fact I resorted to asking you instead took a lot of dignity out of me considering I don't like you."
"Some shitty fox you are. Listen Nine Tails, the last time I took it upon myself to wake up this idiot, he ended up smashing a vase over my head which ended up with him in a concussion and me standing there, dazed out of my mind, with a bleeding head. You don't remember that even with your impeccable memory?"
"Of course I remember! That's why I'm making you do it. Seeing you be quiet for once was satisfying."
"So you want me, who is basically half of this damn boy you want to protect so badly, to get attacked again? You do know whatever happens to me, will effect him too right? Not enough to cause death as long as I stay standing, but enough to lower his lifeline!"
"...Fine you damn brat. But I better get 3 bottles of sake from you as payment whether you want to or not."
"I rather pay with my blood than give you my sacred sake this idiot won't let me drink unless we're apart, but fine."

Kurama sighed heavily before inching closer and closer to the peacefully sleeping blonde who's back was facing him. The fox knew the schedule that Naruto set for himself that Kurama had to abide by. And one just had to be, 'No waking me up before 8am if was training last night.' But why the day of the genin test the blonde has to take? Could they have not planned more better than this?

"Hurry up you useless fox. Don't tell me the feared Beast is scared of a child-"
"One. More. Word. One more word and I promise you, the sun won't be the next thing you see for the next week Naruraki."

Naruto raised from his two sided bed and positioned himself so he was facing away from the Kyuubi and other blonde in the room before tilting his head back so they could see his face. Abyss, lifeless blue met two deadly blood red ones. It was clearly obvious the boy wasn't happy about being woken up, but the way his eyes held no happiness was just awfully terrifying to the others. It only hit Naruraki as to why that is.

"Smile Naruto."
"Huh? Why should I? There isn't anything to smile about here."
"It's creepy knowing that when we're separated, you can't smile like you always do."
"Creepy? Smile like I always do? What are you talking about..."

Naruraki arched his eyebrow as he stared at the blonde who got up from his place on the bed and walked around before standing in front of the other who looked like his mirror reflection. Red eyes with black slits that stood tall and sharp went face to face with dark un-alive blue. Naruto leaned in close to the other blonde's face.

"Have you ever seen me smile normally?"

The sentence left both Naruraki and Kurama stunned.

"Fix yourself before talking to me Naruraki. I smile for the fake mask I put on so those meaningless villagers I want gone from my sight can leave me be. I don't smile out of generosity, I don't smile out of happiness, and I don't smile out of anything other than the fact I must."

Naruto leaned back and away from Naruraki's frozen face that slowly loosen up before showing a wicked grin.

"You see? You don't accept it or me, you don't acknowledge it or realize it at all, but do you know what you just said to me? It seems more intrusive thoughts are getting into your head, it's my duty to keep them at bay and resting in me instead. But it looks like I have a capacity since this one got out. You protect them for what? Just to insult them once you're out of view," the blonde laughed hard before turning to look at the stiff Nine Tailed Beast. "You don't like me, but how am I to blame when this is your carrier? Remember this Kyuubi, it's not the fire you should target your anger onto for being weak, it's yourself for not being able to fuel it well enough to keep it burning bright. In this case, don't target your anger at me for being a suppose 'danger' to this idiot and weak village, but him for not being able to hold and restrain his darkest desires and fueling them to the point I was created. I'm here for a reason, and it will soon be fulfilled... Don't worry, I'll disappear soon."

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