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I quickly bolted out of my car as I kept my eyes on him. Theres no way. He was dead.

"Hey beautiful"

I could have melted at his voice. He looked so alive and beautiful. His hair was perfectly fixed and he was wearing his favorite jacket.

I completely froze as he made his way over to me. His hand made its way to my face as he stuck my hair behind my ear. I could smell him and feel him. He was here. He was alive. But how.

"H-how are y-ou? I thought you was d-dead?" I couldn't speak. I was completely shocked.

"I dont know, one minute everything was great then it all went black and I woke up in the woods, I saw the car on fire and I saw you laying there, I thought you were dead, I freaked out and came here" he said as his grip tightened on me. He held onto me like he was afriad to let go.

"Its been three months Grayson why didnt you come home? I thought you were dead, I was at your funeral me and Ethan was heart broken w-why did you not come hom-"

He layed his finger on my lips cutting me off.

"Calm down hazel, its okay I'm here" he said ignoring all of my questions as he brought me into his embrace. He felt so real and so alive and whole.

I wrapped my arms tightly around him as I nuzzled my head into his chest. I never wanted to let go.

Grayson was alive.

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