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I am in my new room unpacking, when I see Tyler walking away from the house. I noticed that he has been acting different lately, which I don't blame him for .

It must be hard, losing a father and moving away from your old house. I mean I went through almost the same but it's different.

I put my stuff aside and run down the stairs, into the woods after Tyler. When I finally catch up on him he is by the edge of a cliff lighting a sigarette.

"You know that could kill you right" I say, he jumps a little and turns around to face me. "Serious question: are you okay?" I ask with concern dripping from my voice. For a second I think he is not going to reply, when he suddenly turns around and pulls me into a hug.

"You can talk to me, you know" I say not breaking the hug. "I know" he says with a shaky voice, like he is going to cry.

We pull away from each other and I grab his hand and we sit down on a rock a little bit further away from the cliff.

"It has just been so hard, you know. With how my dad died and now the moving" he says. I just nod my head and look at him, he finally breaks down and I pull him into another hug. He just sobs into my shoulder, and I would be lying if I say that I didn't cry as well.

"I know that I never talk about my feelings but I care for you, a lot and I don't want you to hold in your emotions. So please talk to me when you need to have some sort of comfort or maybe even just happy" I say to him. He pulls away from me and smiles. "I care a lot about you too" He says.

And that is all that I think about for the rest of the night.


When we get back to the house Bode runs up to up freaking out.

I kneel down to his hight asking about what happened. "There is a girl in the well house" he says

Tyler walks inside the house to get Nina and Duncan, while Bode, Kinsey and I are waiting by the well house.

When the three finally arrive I am shivering from the coldness outside. Tyler must've noticed because he came over to me and put his arm around me, rubbing my upper arm for warmth. I lay my head on his shoulder and wait for this to be over so we can just go back inside.

This might sound weird but I believe Bode. He is a smart kid and wouldn't lie about stuff like this.

"Okay, listen now bud. That's not a safe place to play. The roof is old and it might collapse in any minute." Nina says

"It's full of bats and tetanus. If you ever go near it again, i'll beat your ass" Tyler says, I look at him and shove him playfully. He looks down at me and smiles.

"I know what I heard, I'm not lying! There is a girl in there!" Bode says frustrated.

"It's been a long day, we are all tired" Nina tried to reason him "Come on, now. let's call it a night."

While walking back Tylers arm is still around me and my head is still on his shoulder.

When we are back inside I walk over to Bode, "I believe you" I say

"Thank you, but you're just saying that because you feel bad for me" he says looking down

"No I'm not, I am saying that because I know you and you are a smart little boy that won't lie about stuff like this. How about we visit her tomorrow?" I ask. He looks up and walks over to me to give me a hug.

"I would like that" he mumbles in my shoulder, "Now let's get to bed, it's going to be a long day tomorrow"

"Can you read me a story before I get to sleep?" he asks me with big eyes, I nod my head and pick him up.

I carry him upstairs to his room and put him down on his bed. "Okay let me get a story while you go and change, okay?" I ask "okay"

I walk out of his room to grab a book from downstairs, when Tyler stops me. "It's really sweet what you are doing for him." he says while looking in my eyes. I smile at him and say "of course, he is basically my little brother". I am about to walk past him when he gently grabs my arm to stop me one more time.

"You can always wake me up if you have another nightmare, I don't want you to be scared in your own home"

"Thank you" I say and smile, I now fully walk past him and down the stairs. I grab a book from one of the boxes and walk back upstairs. When I get into Bode's room he is already asleep. I smile at the sight and walk over to his bed to turn of his bedside lamp and to tug him in.

I walk out of his room and close the door. I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and get to bed.


The next morning I wake up with a weird feeling, like something is going to happen today. I mean it could also be because of the weird dream I had last night.

In the dream I kept seeing weird keys and than I saw Sam. It was just really weird and it creeped me out. So I didn't sleep much last night, but I wasn't really scared.

I get dressed and walk downstairs to the kitchen. When I get there Bode is eating some cereal, Nina is making breakfast and Tyler is staring into space with earbuds in. I walk over to the seat next to Bode.

"Good morning, little one" I say while ruffling his hair, "Hey" he slaps my hand away and laughs. Nina walks past me and says 'good morning'.

"Take those off for breakfast, please." Nina says putting down a plate with Tylers breakfast. Tyler puts the first bite of his egg into his mouth when he suddenly stops eating.

"Is this an eggshell or a fingernail?" he asks disgusted

"ew" Bode says, Nina walks over to Tyler and grabs his plate.

"sorry eggshell, want a, um frozen waffle?" she asks him. "They gave me a swipe card for the dining hall, so" he says clearly not hungry anymore.

Nina grabs a different plate and puts it in front of me, I thank her and start eating. Kinsey then walks into the kitchen and sits down next to Tyler.

"Hey, like the new look" Nina says, "Yeah, it's very 'saving it for Jesus'" Tyler says. I shoot him a look and he just shrugs his shoulders.

"Forget your eyedrops back in Seattle?" Kinsey snaps back. I give her a high five.

I open my mouth to speak when all of a sudden the food disposal turns on, all of our heads shoot in the direction of the sink. Nina quickly turns it off and grabs something out of there. I turn back around and hear Bode say "Oh god, thats disgusting"

Kinsey leans forward and says "You guys are so lucky it's another week before you guys go to school". "Someone has to map out the house" Bode says back. "I'll be right back I need to take my meds" I say as I walk upstairs to my room.

I search in the boxes for my anxiety medication, when I find them I go into the bathroom and swallow them with a glass of water. I sprint back downstairs in hope to be able to say bye to Kinsey and Tyler.

But when I get to the kitchen they are already gone, I sigh and walk outside.

"Aloha" Bode says while holding up his middle finger. I slap my forehead and walk over to Bode.

"Let's explore"

Angel | Tyler locke (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now