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I decided to stay at home with Tyler, while Kinsey is at the psychotic hospital. We walk into the house and hear Nina call out "Rendell".

"Mom?" Tyler asks, I look at her concerned and she sighs. "It's just us, we were... we were just taking out the trash" I stutter, "I thought... the cabinet" Nina struggles to get out of her words. "I thought maybe".

"It's okay" Tyler says walking up to his mom, I touch Nina's arm and she screams "No!". I flinch and pull my arm back. She turns around and opens the cabinet, inside is the urn with Rendell's ashes.

She picks up the urn and smashes it on the ground, I suddenly get a flashback.


"See you tomorrow Kins" I shout at my friend who is standing on my porch, she sticks up her thumb and walks away. I turn around and step inside my house, it's 7 pm on a Monday and I am supposed to be home at 6:30 pm.

"Where were you" I hear my dad shout from the kitchen, "I was with Kinsey, I told you that this morning" I reply.

I walk to the kitchen and look at him, I can see anger in his eyes when he sees me. "I told you to be home at 6:30!" he yells at me, I look down knowing what is going to happen if I talk back. "Look at me when I am talking to you!" he screams and throws the plate he was drying off at me.

It smashes on the wall a few millimeters away from my head, blood drips from the side of my head. I still look down.

"Angel, look at me!" he demands. "Angel, look at me" he says a lot calmer.


"Angel, look at me. Are you okay?" Tyler asks, I look up at him. His face blurry because of the tears in my eyes, he pulls me into a hug and strokes my hair.

"It's okay, you're safe"

We sit on the ground not breaking the hug and he just keeps whispering comforting words in my ear. When I stop crying we let go of the hug, "Let's clean this up" he says wiping away my tears.

"Ty, Ang. Erin pointed to a picture of Lucas. She called him Dodge" Kinsey says walking into the room, I stare at Rendell's ashes hearing whispers. "Do you guys hear that?" I ask, they both keep quiet for a few seconds until Tyler pulls out a key from the ashes. I look at it closely and recognize the symbol from the door in the sea caves.

"It's the omega key" I exclaim, Kinsey and Tyler both nod their head not taking their eyes off of the key.


Tyler, Kinsey and I are sitting in Kinseys room looking at one of Duncan's memories. Tyler is holding the paint jar while Kinsey is standing with her arms crossed looking at him. I am walking in circles trying to understand everything that is going on.

I'm not sure if I should tell them about recognizing Lucas, I am just not comfortable with bringing him up. "So, Dodge and Lucas are the same person?" Tyler asks breaking the tension.

"But how is that possible?" He adds turning around to face Kinsey. "All I know is that Dodge is coming back for the omega key" Kinsey says looking from Tyler to me. "Angel, what is it?" she asks, I stop in my tracks and look at them.

"I know Lucas from somewhere, like I've met him" I say making eye contact with Tyler. He looks at me like I'm crazy, I shake my head and mumble 'never mind'.

"Hey, guys, look" we hear from the doorway, all of our heads snap in the direction of the voice. "I found the matchstick key whispering to me outside, Sam must've dropped it" Bode exclaims happily. Tyler quickly puts the jar with Duncan's memory behind his back and Bode notices.

"What's that?" Bode asks, Tyler looks innocently at him and says "Nothing". Bode looks at the three of us and wipes his smile off of his face.

"What's nothing behind your back?"

Kinsey picks Bode up and starts talking "Come on, we should get ready for school" she states. "Yeah, don't want to be late" Tyler agrees. I just look at the scene and shake my head, in my opinion he deserves to know but I don't want him to see the memory.

"I wanna see it!" Bode says climbing onto the bed to take a better look at the jar, only to be pulled away again by Tyler. "You get out, now!" Tyler says.

Bode groans and looks at me with a frown, 'I'm sorry' I mouth at him. Tyler pushes Bode out of the door and Bode protests. "Hey, the only reasons you know about the keys is because of me! Because I shared them with you. So stop shutting me out!".

"We're not shutting you out, we're-" Kinsey begins but Bode and I cut her off. "Trying to protect him" I say shaking my head again. "Come on guys! He deserves to know" I tell them, they both look at me with disbelieve.

"Yeah, please let me help" Bode begs, Kinsey and Tyler step away from the door to let Bode in. I walk over to the bed and sit down, Bode sits next to me. Tyler and Kins are standing in front of us with worried looks on their faces.

"I know it's a lot to take in"I reassure him, "Yeah, it's okay to be upset" Kinsey continues. "Memories aren't always accurate, they can be distorted" Tyler reasons.

"That's the guy who is staying at Ellie's house!" Bode says, my head shoots up and I look at Bode. "Oh yeah, Rufus said it was his cousin" I remember, Tyler and Kinsey both look at me. "What?". "You guys are saying you've seen Lucas" Tyler asks eyeing me.

I zone out staring at my cast, I have to go to the hospital today to take it off. Thinking about that my head shoots up again and I check the time, "Shit". Kinsey looks at me worried and asks "What's wrong?".

"I have to go to the hospital to take my cast off" I tell them. Tyler looks at me and nods, he stands up and walks out of the door with me. "Don't do anything until we are back"I tell them.

As we walk to the car Tyler grabs my hand, I blush a little and we drive to the hospital. The whole way there and the whole way back he holds my hand. 

Angel | Tyler locke (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now