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I walk into the house and see Kinsey walking up the stairs, "Hey Kins, wait" I tell her. She turns around and stops. I walk up to her and she immediately starts talking, "Okay, so you know that old cabinet Bode found? The one that he thought was broken?" she asks me.

I nod my head, "it's not" she tells me. She gabs my good arm and pulls me up the stairs into Tylers room. Tyler is laying in his bed with his headphone on, we sit on his bed and he looks up.

Kinsey throws Sally onto his lap and speaks up. "That old cabinet that Bode thought was a dud, it's not" she tells Tyler. He looks at Sally and than back at us.

"It can put things back together. Mom's the one that figured it out" Kinsey explains, "So like if something is broken you can put it in there? And it will heal or something?" Tyler asks. Kinsey nods.

Maybe if I go in there I won't feel so broken anymore.

"She showed me how it works. She made it fix Sally right in front of me" Kinsey explains, "She's seen magic before" Tyler says. "Yeah. But she is retaining it" Kinsey explains. "She is even remembering it from way back" Kinsey tells us. I look at her confused and tilt my head.

"She told me she remembered getting lost in the mirrors" Kinsey continues, "What's different?" I ask, "Why now?" Tyler adds.

"It doesn't make any sense" Kinsey says, "she is drinking" Tyler reasons. I questionably look at them, "Wait she is drinking again? I thought she was sober" I ask them. "Yeah I smelled it on her breath" Tyler says.

"Maybe that's why she can suddenly remember. It has to be, right?" Tyler asks, "That's the only thing that changed" Kinsey says. "What are we supposed to do?" I ask them, "If she keeps drinking, she will keep remembering it" I add.

"She will finally be on the same page as us" Kinsey realizes, it stays quiet for a little.

"We will be able to tell her the truth, about everything that is going on" Kinsey continues. "Same team"

After we talked about Nina, I decided to tell them about Rufus's cousin.

"So, I went to Rufus's house together with Bode to work on a model airplane. And I met Rufus's cousin" I tell them.

"He just looks so familiar, like I've seen him on a picture or something" I add. Kinsey and Tyler both look at me and start asking questions. "What did he look like?" Tyler asks, I look down trying to remember exactly what he looks like.

"He looked about our age, he has black hair that comes to his neck and he was really freaking me out" I tell them. Suddenly Tylers phone rings.

"It's almost low tide, we should go" Tyler says, we all stand up and both Tyler and Kinsey look at me. "You're not coming with us" Tyler tells me, "Yes, I am" I tell them.

"It's too dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt" Kinsey explains, I roll my eyes and look at them. "That's exactly why I need to come with you. Plus my arm is doing good, I can even move it now" I say. I walk out of the door and down the stairs.

I hear both Tyler and Kinsey sigh and walk after me.


"What's that?" Tyler asks as Kinsey picks up something from the floor, "lighting stand" she replies. She stares at it for a long time, "How much further?" I ask.

Kinsey doesn't reply and keeps looking at the lighting stand, "Kinsey?".

"I make terrible, reckless decisions" she realizes. "Yeah, we are aware" I say with a laugh, "Can we keep going?" Tyler asks.

"I almost got the Savinis killed here. Because I was so obsessed with following these stupid whispers" she tells us and starts walking again, "I thought taking out my fear would make me feel better" she confesses.

"It just made me act without thinking. Being fearless didn't even make a difference when it counted" she tells us, I look at her with confusion written on my face. "What are you talking about?" Tyler and I ask her.

"With Sam, I should've grabbed the gun the second he dropped it. But I didn't" she says turning around, "Just like back in Seattle, I should've grabbed that fire poker. I should've been brave just like you" she says looking at me.

"You ran over to Sam the second you heard a crash, and you risked your life to save us" she tells me. "Yeah, and look how that worked out for me. I was shot in my arm and I couldn't properly breath for days when he chocked me" I tell her.

"Yeah, still I could've grabbed it" she tells me, "you didn't grab the fire poker because you were protecting Bode. I saw it in your head" Tyler says. "And what happened when Sam dropped the gun?" Tyler asks.

"I ran"

"Yeah, you ran. With Bode" Tyler tells her, Kinsey looks at him and then at me. I smile and nod. "You kept him safe both times" I add. Kinsey scoffs and smiles, "You'll make it right with your friends" Tyler tells Kinsey. "Come on"

Tyler walks away and Kinsey and I stay still for a few seconds, just looking at each other. I smile and pull her in a hug, she hugs me back and lets out a small laugh. We pull away from the hug and walk after Tyler.

"Whoa" Tyler and I say in sync.

There is this huge door with blue light coming from behind it, we walk up to the door and look closely at it. I am about to touch the door handle when suddenly I am pulled away from the door, I turn my head and see Tyler holding my arm.

"Yeah?" I ask with a small smile, "I thought we could talk about what you said the other night?" he asks. I nod my head and look down.

"What do you think is behind it?" I ask them, they look at each other and shrug their shoulders.

Angel | Tyler locke (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now