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"Well let me see what I've got here" the worker says, he turns around and starts searching for keys. I look around the store when suddenly Bode tabs my arm, I look over at what he is staring at and see a keyhole in the mans neck.

Bode leans forward to see if the key would fit when the man turns around. "Here, you can take these" the man tells us, I smile and we both thank him.


Bode and I just set up the bear trap, we are now going to use the key.

"Your neck or mine?" I ask Bode, "Mine" he answers. He hands me the key and I am about to put it in his neck when he tells me to stop, "Maybe we should do this when Ty and Kins are home" he adds. I nod and i start to read him a book.

Suddenly Bode's door opens and a blue teddybears head pops out. "Bode, Angel. Hi" the well lady greets, "Did you miss me?" she asks.

"I had a really wonderful day because of you, it was so fun. I even won you a.." she looks over at the key that lays on top of the bear trap. "My gosh, What.. Did you find?"

She bends down and the trap snaps shut, the well lady comes up again and turns around. "Guys, did you think you could trap me and make me give you back the key?" she asks dumbfounded. "I thought we were friends"

"We're not friends, you lied to me and you tried to kill my mom" Bode says raising his voice

"Wait what, you tried to kill Nina?" I shout at her, she ignores me and asks us if we found other keys. "No we haven't found any other keys" I tell her. "Well, maybe you need to try harder" she snaps at me, "and when you find them you give them back to me" she says still focusing on me. "And why would we do that?" Bode shouts.

The echo snaps her head towards Bode and pushes him back, I step in front of her and slap her in her face. She grabs me by my throat and looks at Bode, "Because when I come back, I'm not going to be so nice" she tells us.

I struggle to get out of her grip and when I almost pass out, she let's go of me.

"Happy hunting, guys" she says while I fall to the ground catching my breath. She walks over to the door and opens it, before we even know it she is gone.


I am in my room looking at the bruises that are forming on my neck, when I hear my door open and close, I look up and see Kinsey covered in blood with tears in her eyes. I quickly stand up an hug her, "What happened?, why are you covered in blood?" I ask her with worry all over the tone of my voice. "The blood is fake, but I just got a horrible flashback" she says sobbing in my shoulder.

I rub her back and whisper comforting words, "do you maybe want to sleep in my room, we haven't really spent much time together since we got here" I ask her

She pulls away and nods her head. I smile at her, "maybe you should take a shower" I tell her. We both laugh and Kinsey walks to her bathroom.

I grab my book and start reading, after about thirty minutes I hear arguing in the hall so I get out of my room to see what is going on.

"No you're not, you're.."Kinsey says suddenly looking into Bode's room, "Bode" I call out. Nothing.

I run over to his room and tap his shoulder. "Bode, stop you are scaring me" I tell him.

"Hey guys, you gotta come see this" I hear from behind me, I spin around and see Bode in a big box.

"What the --"


"Welcome to my head" Bode says, "Am I just super high?"

I start to look around a bit, making sure not to touch anything. After looking at a few memories we climb back up.

Bode takes the key out of his neck and turns around, "Okay, Tyler's turn" Bode says but Tyler shakes his head. "Kinsey? come on".

"Not gonna happen bud" she replies.

"Angel?" Bode asks out of hope, "Fine then, give me the key". Bode hands me the key and I put it in my neck, now there is two of me.

I turn around and see the door of my closet back in Seattle. I take a step forward to the door and put my hand on the door knob.

"Are you guys coming or not?" I ask, they all walk over to me and we walk inside of my head.

The first thing I see is a supermarket, but instead of food and you have my thoughts, my memories and more.

I first walk over to my thoughts. 'Keep smiling, even if it's a fake one', 'Don't let anyone see that you are hurt'.

I look away from my thoughts and walk over to memories, I see a lot of boxes. On every box there is a symbol, ':)' , ':(' , '<3' and '</3'

I think those are my feelings, I walk over to the boxes with a happy smiley on them. I grab one and open it, there is a bright light coming out of it. I look inside and see the first day of kindergarten, I look away from the box and wave Kinsey over.

"Look" I tell her. She looks down into the box with me, when suddenly we are sucked into the memory. I look around and see little me sitting on a bench in the shadows, watching all of the other kids play. Kinsey taps my shoulder and I look behind me, I see little Kinsey walking up to little me.

"Do you want to be my friend?" little Kinsey asks, I see the little girl that was hiding in the shadows standing up with the biggest smile on her face. She walks over to small Kinsey and gives her a big hug. Kinsey and I both smile at the sight, then we are back in my head.

I grab another happy memory and look inside, it was the day when Nina came back from the hospital with Bode.

It was a really fogy memory, probably because it was in the middle of the night or something.

"Hey guys lets get out of here" I say, I hear 'okay' a few times. We then walk back to the door and once we are all out I take the key out of my neck.

"Okay Bode, time for bed" I exclaim while picking him up, he giggles and I am about to bring him to the bathroom when Tyler speaks up.

"Wait, Angel give me the key" he tells me. "What why?" I ask.

"Until we know how much damage they can do, I'm gonna hold on to both of them" He explains. "Why do you get both, you already have the one with the two faces" Kinsey says.

"The mirror key" Bode interrupts. "Obviously, I'm the oldest.. So" Tyler reasons.

"And the least responsible" Kinsey pipes in, "Helloo, I'm the one who is finding them all" Bode says. I clear my throat, "Oh yeah and Angel finds them as well"

"Well Angel already lost one" Tyler says raising his voice, "She just said that because she didn't want you to be angry with me" Bode explains. "So you lost it?" Tyler asks

"But that wasn't my fault" Bode says, Tyler and Kinsey look at each other weirdly. "Maybe we should tell them" I whisper at Bode.

"Tell us what?" Tyler asks, it stays quiet for a few seconds until Tyler speaks up again. "Tell us what!" he says raising his voice.

"Okay, we didn't tell you this before, but there is this scary well lady who is trying to get the keys. So we need to protect them" Bode says referring to me. "So we should give them to you?" Kinsey asks.

"Exactly" me and Bode exclaim. "I don't think so" Kinsey adds, "Okay look, here is what we are gonna do: 'Tyler is going to take the mirror key and I am going to take the... brainy key".

"Head. Key" Bode corrects. "Sure, we'll go with that" Kinsey says annoyed, "she is real" I tell them. "So wait you knew?" Kinsey asks me. I nod my head, "And you didn't tell us?!" she says raising her voice. I look down at my feet.

"We are going to talk about that later" I mumble, "No, we are going to talk about that now" she says raising her voice. "Why didn't you tell me?" she asks now talking a bit softer, "well I wanted to but you were never home" I explain.

"Now if you will excuse me, I am going to bed" I tell them still looking down.

Angel | Tyler locke (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now