1st Kiss

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The day is October 5th. I remember because it was my Dad's birthday and for some reason he always reminds me of this on every birthday. Thanks Dad I really want to remember this story. 

Anyway, I am in Kindergarten during Recess. I think I was waiting for a swing to open up so I was standing near the back of the playgound near the gate. When all of a sudden, this guy lets call him Glasses. Well, Glasses comes out of nowhere pushes me against a fence then kissed me on the lips. Like what?! He then blushed and ran away. 

Now let's digest this for a moment. First, we are in Kindergarten do guys think about girls in this way in Kindergarten? Second off, he could have just asked, and I probbaly would have said yes cause as a kid I did not know the word no. Instead, Glasses thought it would be smart to shove me up against a fence. Like ok? Violent much? Third, Glasses obviously had this whole plan or something. But then he blushes and runs away like excuse me? At least he knew what was going on. I was just confused. I remember shaking my head and then going onto a swing. 

When my Dad picked me up after school, I was crying. I told him about my first kiss and how it was rudely taken from me. I wanted Marine Guy to be my first kiss. My Dad just laughed and refused to let me forget about it to this day. 

Honestly, I dont know what happened to Glasses after that. I never hung out with him but I would occasionally see him. At the end of Middle School he ended up leaving and went to another school. However, he kept friendships with some of the guys at school, so I still saw him from time to time. I never saw him face to face till I saw him on my college campus years later. We made eye contact both immediately turned the other way. Haven't seen him since. I will say he grew up well and got contacts so I guess I cannot call him Glasses anymore. 

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