1st Enemy

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From the very beginning she hated me with a burning passion. I'm gonna call her Bananas because she always said bananas were radioactive. She also always talked about cats. 

Anyway, this all takes place in Lower School. 

Bananas was on of Marine guy's girl friend and I think she was jealous of the fact that I was his favorite. Well, she ended up taking out on me. She always tried to embarrass me at school by tripping me. She even got detention a couple times a couple time because of her physical abuse of me.

After I broke up with Marine Guy I figured she would give me a break but it only got worse from there.

Bananas favorite class was PE because she could always get away with my hits on me blaming the close contact sport. It got so bad my parents wanted to report her but I never let them. I knew I would have to overcome this myself.

I tried to deal with it and move on but honestly she was crazy.

One day in 5th grade I was walking to class when she came up to me yelling about how I was nothing. I told her to stop yelling. She then grabbed my hand and brought it to her mouth. She bit down on my hand so hard she drew blood. She then laugh and ran away. I was so shocked. She bit me. 

That was my breaking point. The next day was field day where classes got to compete against each other in sports. Now I was never athletic so I tried to avoid these things and just stay in the corner of the field. I wasn't helping my team but I also wasn't getting gin the way. For some reason Bananas didn't like this. She came over and pushed me to the ground. I. Had. Enough. So finally i looked her in the eye daring her to come at me. She did and before she could lay a hand on me I pushed her with all the force I could muster. I told her I wouldn't take this quietly anymore so if she wanted to hurt me, fight me, or whatever she needed to know now I would be giving it right back to her. 

After that day she never bothered me again. 

She ended up transferring to another private school in the area after 5th grade.

She's now in Colorado learning to become a Mining Engineering and apparently she has calmed down a lot since Lower School. 

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