A New Face

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"Does she have any other abilities that you know of?" Godric asked. He and Eric were in Eric's office at Fangtasia and discussing Sookie.

"Other than telepathy and intoxicating blood? No. She is human for all intents and purposes." Eric furrowed his brows and steepled his fingers together.

"It is not only her blood which intoxicates you my child." Godric pointed out.

"Perhaps not. However-"

Eric was cut off by his office door banging open.

"Honestly lady!" Pam was holding a kicking, tiny, tan, woman by the wrists.

"Eric, this woman wished to see you. She even threatened me if I didn't bring her to you." Pam lowered her fangs and hissed at the woman.

"I've seen bigger!" The woman fearlessly looked Pam in the eye.

"Pamela, let her go." Godric said calmly, still sitting in his chair. Eric had risen and was ready to kill the human who had insulted his child. Pam obeyed and released the woman.

Godric took a moment to study the human. She was in her early twenties, had black hair that fell just to her shoulder blades, olive skin, and startling green eyes. She was short, Eric towered over her as an adult would a child. She was also quite thin, although even the two thousand year old vampire could appreciate her slight curves. Her clothing did not mark her as a fangbanger, she wore a pair of faded blue jeans and a gray t-shirt.

"Who do you think you are? You dare threaten and insult my child" Eric growled, barely able to restrain himself. The woman stepped back slightly, crossed her arms, and glared at Eric.

"My name is Aya Reznik. I only threatened her after she refused to give me an audience with you." Her accent was definitely Eastern European, Godric suspected she had lived in several places as he could not pin it down to one country. "Normally, I'm a very non-violent person, but threats seemed to be the only language she would understand."

Godric smiled, he found her insolence charming. Eric did not agree, he moved forward menacingly.

"Mr. Northman, we can keep this game up all night if you like. Just know, you are not the oldest, biggest, or scariest vampire I have ever met and really if you would just hear me out I can leave and you'll never see me again."

"I think we should listen to her, Eric." Godric finally put a stop to things. "Please sit down Miss Reznik. I am Eric's maker, Godric."

Aya gave Godric a graceful bow and accepted a seat. Eric begrudgingly dismissed Pam and sat down behind his desk. "Well?" Was his only prompt for her to speak.

"My brother, Dirazen." Aya pulled a picture from her brown leather purse and slid it across the desk to Eric. "You loaned him a small fortune which he has defaulted on. Now, he is missing." She folded her hands in her lap and waited.

"I thought I recognized your last name. He's at least twenty years older than you, though." Eric barely looked at the picture.

"I was... a surprise to my father. Dirazen owed you money, correct?".

"First you threaten my child now you accuse me of  kidnapping?"

"I did not accuse you of anything. I simply stated the facts, you're the one who mentioned  kidnapping." Aya smiled widely at Eric.

Godric laughed at her comment.

"I'm trying to find out what happened to him, Mr. Northman." Aya continued, "If I can put together a timeline, a web of people he was connected to I may be able to find a chink in the chain and figure out who took my brother. I'm the only relative his children have left and since the police here are doing nothing I'm doing my own investigation. What can you tell me about Dirazen?" Aya asked Eric.

"He asked for a loan to fund an expedition. He seemed confident that he had discovered a treasure of great value. I loaned him the necessary funds, he went on his expedition and came back empty handed. Are you a treasure hunter as well, Aya?" Eric leaned forward.

"Do I chase myths and fairytales all over the world hoping to find something worth while? No. I'm an archaeologist, just as my father was. Is there anything else about my brother?"

"He was making payments on his debt, he also came here every night."

"Dirazen is not a fangbanger." Aya spat out the term with disgust. 

"That's correct. He never even spoke to anyone, just sat at the bar and drank. He once told the bartender that Fangtasia was where he went for silence."

Godric saw a flash of understanding come over Aya's face. "Thank you, Mr. Northman." She got up to leave, "Godric, it was a pleasure."

"Do you need a job?" Godric asked suddenly and Eric's face blanched briefly.

"Come again?" Aya stared wide-eyed at Godric.

"You said you were caring for your brother's children. There is very little archaeology in northern Louisiana. Eric is in need of a bartender and someone to keep an eye on Fangtasia during the day. Would you like the job?"

"I..." For the first time since she entered the room Aya looked confused. "I do need a job." She admitted.

"Then be here tomorrow at 7pm sharp." Eric did not look at her, but casually dismissed her with a wave of his hand. Once she was gone he turned to his maker.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

Godric shrugged, "I'm curious about her, and you needed to replace that awful Ginger woman anyway."

Eric sighed and the let subject drop, he knew Godric would not tell him anymore. They returned to discussing Eric's favorite subject; Sookie.

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