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Godric and Sookie took to the grounds as soon as Russell and Eric were gone. Godric told Talbot he was taking the girl out of the mansion for his own amusement. The naive vampire showed him a full map of the grounds, even going so far as to say Godric looked like he could use some fun. Sookie would never have found Bill on her own, but Godric could smell the immense amount of vampire blood coming from the horse stables.

"He's in there, his maker is with him." Godric stopped Sookie just outside the stable.

"He's still alive?" Sookie asked.

"Yes, barely." Godric stopped Sookie from barging into the building, "I need to know, why do you love him?" He put his hands on Sookie's shoulders and tilted his head slightly so they were eye level.

"What? Why would you ask that now?" Sookie tried to escape, but was held steady by his hands.

"Just answer me." Godric said firmly.

"I... well. Bill's a gentleman, he's kind and gentle, and..." Sookie started to stammer, searching for the words that would make Godric let go of her.

"That's enough." Godric took her wrist and led the way into the stable. They could hear voices coming from inside, occasionally interrupted by sobbing, yelling, and groaning.

"Are they having sex or is she torturing him?" Sookie spoke under her breath, forgetting that the vampire could hear her.

"Probably both." Godric couldn't help but laugh a little when he looked back and saw Sookie's face as she imagined what was happening behind the closed wooden doors.

Silently, Godric slipped the two of them into the hallway just outside the room where the noises were coming from. The voices were much easier to hear.

"Why did you want the girl so badly William?" Lorena's sickening voice came through first.

"My queen." Bill's strained tone followed.

"You're going to die because of the order of a spoiled child."

"Please Lorena." Bill's voice barely audible to Sookie. "As my maker have mercy, end me now."

Sookie moved her foot, it was enough to alert Lorena that she and Bill were no longer alone. She flung open the door hiding Godric and Sookie. Lorena lunged for the human,but was stopped by Godric's hand on her throat. He drove her back against the wall which gave Sookie room to run to Bill's laying form.

"Do NOT look away!" Godric squeezed Lorena's chin with his free hand, forcing her to look down on Bill. "See what you have done to your own child, your lover. You have had so long to improve yourself, but refuse. You are a pathetic waste of the blood." He growled out, eyes blazing, all his earlier rage was focused on the vampire in his grasp.

"Kill her, Godric." Bill said from the floor as Sookie loosened his silver chains.

"And you," Godric maintained his hold on Lorena but turned his head so he could see Bill. "You are a coward and a liar. I will not take orders from filth nor will I kill your maker for you."

"William..." Lorena choked out. "I'm-so-sorry. I love you..." She was racked with sobs once again. Godric could only look at her with disdain, she was a terrible maker. He could see that Compton had some potential, but this woman had crushed that, turning him into a pathetic, spineless creature.

"You wouldn't know love if it kicked you in the fangs!" Sookie yelled suddenly and rushed at Lorena with a stake. Godric stepped back just in time to avoid the shower of blood as the wood was driven into her heart. He smiled widely as he watched Sookie attack the vampire; she had a fierce glow in her eyes and a smile of her own. Sookie Stackhouse may play innocent, but Godric could see a spark in her that marked her as the warrior fae she was. He smelled it then, only one as ancient as he was would have caught it, she was far more than human. For the millionth time he felt proud of his child, this time for his choice in mates. Godric swore he would kill Bill Compton if it meant this woman would belong to Eric.

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