The More You Know

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Aya stared wide-eyed at Godric for a full thirty seconds before she could say anything. "Dirazen? What-where-why-... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" She finally gave up trying to be civil and yelled. Aiden and Laura were at the upstairs window in an instant so they could see what was going on.

"I saw him, Aya. I also know..." Godric trailed off, eyeing Axle still uncertain of how much he knew about the Rezniks.

"You know what?" The red-haired vampire asked walking forward. "That they're not exactly human?"

"Dirazen is being held by a particularly sadistic and ancient vampire who finds pleasure in capture rare supernatural beings." Godric kept his eyes on Aya.

"Did anyone tell you what exactly we are?" Aya raised an eyebrow at Godric who shook his head 'no'.

"Dear," Axle put a hand on Aya's shoulder, Godric suppressed his urge to rip off the offending arm. "Take this inside. If you need me, call." Axle nodded to Godric and was off in a flash.

Godric followed Aya into the house and they were greeted with the thunderous noise of teenagers running down the stairs.

"Did he say he found Dad?" "Where is he?" "Are you going to tell him?" "When can we get Dad?" The questions came spilling out from both twins, making it impossible to properly decipher which one was speaking.

"Your father is alive." Godric held up a hand to silence the kids. "Tomorrow night, your aunt and I will go get him, he's in Mississippi so I'm afraid there simply is not the time tonight."

"He's alive!" Laura's eyes lit up and a huge smile spread across her face. "Thank you!" She squealed and threw her arms around Godric. Godric was shocked at her reaction but managed to pull an arm up and pat her on the head. Aiden pulled his sister off of the vampire.

"There's still more," He showed no emotion at the news of his father's survival, instead he was looking stone faced from Godric to Aya. "He knows something." He said pointedly to his aunt.

Aya widened her eyes realizing the conversation she was about to have.

"You were going to have to tell him eventually." Laura was obviously still excited, but calmed herself down just enough to take in the gravity of the situation.

"Right. About that." Aya looked directly at Aiden.

"Ya, we'll go. I really don't want to be here for this anyway. C'mon Laur, let's go engage in deviant behavior." He winked at Aya and motioned his sister to follow him outside.

"Don't get arrested!" Aya yelled after them.

"You don't have to tell me anything right now." Godric said calmly to Aya, willing her not to be so obviously tense.

"Yes I do." Aya gave him a sad smile. "Come with me." She led Godric to the basement and opened the door to the weapons cache.

Godric took in the room, impressed with the range and age of some of the weapons. "Your brother has quite the collection."

"Who said anything about this being Dirazen's?" Aya said coyly. She picked up the obsidian dagger. "I found this in Mongolia when I was seventeen. My father, brother, and I tracked something into the Gobi and I used this dagger to cut out it's heart."

Godric stepped forward, taking the dagger from Aya. The black blade was smooth and shiny, it had ripples in it which were aesthetically pleasing and would twist the insides of whatever it stabbed. The jade hilt was decorated with an intricately carved dragon. He put the weapon back on its resting place. "What was it?"

"The same thing I am, only a different tribe. It was the last of our enemies, my father and our ancestors traveled the world killing them off." Aya closed the distance between her and the vampire, bring her hands up to his face. "Do you trust me?" She whispered.

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