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"You kissed her?" Eric asked Godric. They were sitting in a booth at Fangtasia and Aya had just served them both TrueBloods. Eric had returned from his trip to the Queen visibly shaken.

"I did. She has been avoiding me since." Godric followed Aya's movements around the bar. She really had settled in to her new role as one of Eric's employees very well. There was a charm to her that both the human and vampire patrons couldn't resist. Godric had been working for many hundreds of years to control his base impulses, but when he saw that way men at the bar looked at her, he almost lost it every time. 

"Well, you have been out of practice for a while." Eric had a small smile on his face, but sobered quickly at the look of exasperation Godric gave him. After thousands of years together his child's sense of humor had not changed. 

"What did you learn at the Queen's?" Godric asked. 

"Bill Compton was sent by Queen Sophie-Ann to procure Sookie. She learned of her from one of her pets, Sookie's cousin." Eric swilled his bottle of TrueBlood and looked in the distance thoughtfully. It would seem that this revelation had caused him a moral conundrum. Godric knew from experience that Eric hated these situations, usually finding the path that would lead to the most destruction. 

"Are you going to tell Sookie?" Godric tilted his head slightly.

"I haven't decided. What would you do?"

Godric allowed himself a few seconds to gather his thoughts. There were many variables he was sure he was missing, but he could see two possible outcomes. "You do not have Sookie's trust right now. If you tell her, it's likely she won't believe you and will fall further into Compton's lies. However, if you do not tell her and she finds out you knew all along you may lose her all over again."

"A double edged sword." Eric muttered, then tensed when he felt through his bond that Sookie was in the bar.

"Eric!" She marched up to their booth and looked ready to murder someone. Eric was incredibly turned on by that.

"What brings you to Fangtasia on this balmy summer night?" He sounded infuriatingly calm and motioned for her to sit with them, which she ignored. Godric failed at attempting to hide a smile while watching the two of them. 

"Bill's been kidnapped and I think you did it." She crossed her arms and glared at Eric.

"I didn't. Any other theories?" Eric leaned back and crossed his arms. 

"I'm still on this one. Thank you very much." She tossed her blonde hair imperiously.

"Sookie, please sit down." Godric motioned to the seat next to him. Sookie tentatively sat down and looked at Eric.

"Tell me, where can I find Lorena? If you don't have him, she does."

"Lorena?" Godric asked both Eric and Sookie.

"Compton's maker." Eric explained.

"A psychopathic bitch trying to ruin my life." Sookie offered her own explanation.

"Sookie, given your last tenure with Lorena I think it best if I dealt with her." Eric eyed Sookie, waiting for a reaction.

"How do I know if you will?"

"Because if Bill was in fact kidnapped, by human or vampire, I am duty bound as sheriff in the area in which he resides to find him" Eric looked deeply upset for a split second, Godric was sure he was the only one who caught it. "Even if I do want what is his."

"Are you certain you want to find Bill?" Godric asked Sookie.

"Of course! I love Bill, he..." Sookie stopped herself suddenly and looked at Eric. She subconsciously ghosted her right hand over her left ring finger.

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