A dream within a dream

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Author's Note: I apologize for the delay. I started working back in my office again and then with everything going on just didn't have the heart to write much. Here is a short but important chapter to get me back into Aya and Godric's story. 

I am shocked and so very appreciative of all the love this story is getting. Would love to hear some comments/reviews! 


Aya's back bowed off their bed as she climaxed, yelling Godric's name. Godric's own orgasm followed quickly but he wasn't ready to withdraw from her warmth yet so they lay tangled together with shafts of the morning sun bathing their bodies. Aya must have drifted off to sleep because she woke suddenly to Sebastian's whimpering cries.

"Shh," Godric shushed their eight month old son. "Let's let Mama sleep a bit longer."

Aya smiled and peeked one eye open. Godric had slipped on a pair of black sweatpants but remained shirtless. Sebastian was fussing in his arms, obviously ready for breakfast.

"Bring him here." She sat up with her back against the headboard and began to nurse the baby. Her phone dinged and she smiled at the text she received from Dirazen. "We're going to have a full house tonight, my brother just confirmed his family is coming too."

"We should go to the market later and pick up some more meat."

Aya hummed contentedly and rested her head back, she could see Godric was calculating how much food and drink they would need for the cookout later. He was the details person in their marriage, she made plans and he made sure they happened. She looked down at her son hungrily suckling at her breast, he had so much of Godric in him; dark hair, dark eyes, and she could already tell he was an old soul. Even after eight months she was still amazed by the miracle they had created together. Motherhood was not something she had thought about when she was younger but this tiny human that was half her and half-Godric made life complete. 

Godric kissed her forehead and promised to bring her a fresh cup of coffee.


Later that evening their whole family showed up; Dirazen, Lydia, and the twins, and Eric, Sookie, and Pam. Poor little Sebastian was constantly passed from person to person until he was utterly exhausted. Godric and Eric entertained everyone with stories of their time in the military together and everyone got a good laugh out of the twins antics.

Aya was washing up some dishes with Sookie's help when she first noticed something was off. She realized she didn't actually know the blonde, she just had a vague memory of seeing her and Eric together in a run down house. She shook off the feeling. Godric's younger brother was constantly bringing girls around, she was probably just in shock that he had kept Sookie around for as long as he had. 

Then she cut herself on a butcher's knife and as the blood pooled on her finger she was struck by a sudden vision of Godric with fangs for teeth and bloodlust in his eyes.

"Aya?" Sookie sounded alarmed. "Are you alright?"

Aya quickly grabbed a band-aid from the first aid kit under the kitchen sink. "I'm fine, I think I'm just tired maybe."

The dreams came later in the night after finally getting Sebastian to sleep and after she and Godric made love. She dreamed of a very different version of her husband. He was kneeling over a gravestone with blood red tears falling from his eyes, Aya approached him but when she touched his back he sprang upright and attacked her, biting her neck.

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