Entertaining Vampires 101

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Godric sometimes did things in order to surprise himself. Boredom led to suicidal tendencies, so sometimes it was best for a two thousand year old vampire to go against logic and act on instinct in order to be surprised. After all, he had promised Eric he would live. The problem with living though, was there wasn't much left to live for. At this point, he figured he had seen and done just about everything there was to do. If he was supposed to stay alive for Eric, he had to find a new way to occupy his time. He needed to overcome his own logical instincts and find ways of being surprised. Otherwise, he might go mad. 

That was the rationale he told himself as he looked and listened in on Aya Reznik's household.

"So, do the vamps, like bite you?" An adolescent female's voice inquired.

"No, Laura," Aya sounded exasperated. "I won't let them. Have more couscous." Aya passed a dish to girl who eagerly added the rice-like substance to her plate.

"It's not like you could stop one. Right?" A young male this time.

"I have my ways." Aya smiled and left the table to rinse her plate and put it in the dishwasher. Godric wondered what she meant. There was no way a human of her minuscule stature could hope to ward off a determined vampire. It was one of the things Godric hated about his own kind. They were an unstoppable force. The only ones who could keep vampires in check were vampires themselves. 

Aya's first night at Fangtasia had gone off without much trouble. She balked at the uniform, but proved to be an efficient worker. Eric left to see the Queen half-way through the evening after meeting with a shifter and two human children. Godric could feel that Eric was in the middle of something very bad. He decided it was better to let his child make his own mistakes and be there when they caught up with him. Besides, Aya was proving to be a welcome distraction.

Unwilling to resist the temptation further, Godric surprised himself and rang the front doorbell. The young man opened the door, looking Godric up and down before calling out, "Auntie Aya! There's a vampire at the door!"

Godric had to admit he was impressed with the boy. Most humans couldn't help but shiver in fear at the ancient vampire. Despite his attempts to be peaceful, a primal part of the human mind instantly identified him as a predator. This boy though, he stood his ground and even looked Godric in the eyes. 

"What?" Aya came around a corner and froze when she saw Godric.

"Godric? What-? Oh, um, Aiden, invite him in." The waitress was clearly flustered and Godric smiled at the way her cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. 

"Please come in Mr...Godric?" Aiden stepped aside to let the vampire in but continued to eye him with suspicion.  "Why did I have to do it?" He asked his aunt.

"Because, I don't really have a claim on the house." Aya didn't even look at the boy. "Godric, what can I do for you?"

Godric smiled, he had come to her home unexpectedly and her first thought was one of service. "Nothing, Miss Reznik. I was out for a walk and recognized your voice. I was brought here by mere curiosity."

"Well have a seat." Aya motioned to a comfortable chair next to a bookcase. "This is my nephew, Aiden." She put a hand on the boy's shoulder, "And his sister, Laura, is hiding out somewhere as well."

Godric slightly inclined his head. "Mr. Reznik, I'm very sorry to hear about your father's disappearance."

"Thanks, person I've never before." Aiden glared at the vampire, much to Godric's amusement. In another age this boy would have made a fierce warrior. Aiden muttered something about having homework to do after taking his time sizing up the house guest and apparently deeming him worthy of being alone with his Aunt.

"Sit, please." Aya put on a hostess smile and sat in a chair opposite Godric. "So... sorry about Aiden. He's kind of dealing with things by being pissed off, all the time and at everyone." She wasn't sure what to say. How to start a conversation with an ancient vampire was not a piece of etiquette many people knew. Godric wasn't her first vampire, but there was something different about him. Something was throwing her off. 

"How is the search for your brother going?" Godric started talking so she wouldn't have to keep searching for words.

"Stalemate. Eric was my last lead, it's beginning to look like Dirazen is just gone for good. I hate that. I hate giving up. I've spent my life studying and piecing together the past, but I can't even find my own brother who's only been gone a matter of weeks?" Aya threw her hands up in frustration. "Sorry, I'm sure you don't want to hear all this."

"It's quite alright. The truth is, I would very much like to know more about you." Godric lifted his lips in a half smile. He enjoyed listening to her, enjoyed how her accent became thicker the more frustrated she became. 

"Such as?" Aya was immediately guarded. She crossed her arms over her chest and regarded Godric with suspicious eyes. 

Godric leaned forward and surprised both himself and the girl across from him by taking her hands in his, "Who are you, Aya Reznik? Where do you come from? Who are your people? Why are you not frightened of vampires as you should be?"

Aya pulled back slightly and Godric released her hands. "Those aren't questions for just anyone to know the answer to." 

Aya looked Godric in the eye, waiting for what he would say or do next. 

"Eric, Pam, and myself are not your first vampires." The statement was a cue for Aya to tell him more.

"My father was an archaeologist, he had an associate named Axle Freeman. He only ever showed up to the dig sights after dark, never ate with us, and claimed a severe silver allergy. My mother told me the stories her people had about vampires and in my child's mind I decided Axle was one. Turned out I was right. When I was sixteen I fell into a hole and impaled my stomach on a sharp spike; some horrific ancient Egyptian booby trap. Axle found me there bleeding to death. He jumped in the hole and grabbed me out. Then he bit open his wrist and made me drink his blood, I was healed almost instantly. I still have the scar, though."

Aya pulled up her tank top to reveal a very thin circle-shaped scar on the right side of her stomach. Godric fought to keep his fangs in place at the sight of her exposed flesh.

"I still have so many questions for you. I fear I may overstay my welcome." Something was happening to Godric that he had never felt before. I kind of tugging in his core, as if there was a tight cord pulling him towards Aya. The sensation was disturbing. 

Aya did not pretend to try and keep him there longer, "I'll walk you outside."

Once outside Aya turned to say goodbye and gasped when Godric was inches away from her face.

"Thank you for telling me your story, Aya." Godric brushed a stray hair behind her ear. Without thinking he kissed her lightly on the lips. Surprising himself was a very good thing. When she didn't push away, he deepened the kiss, when she moaned a little he pulled her body flush with his and rolled his hips into her slightly. The cord he felt earlier thrummed with excitement. A primitive piece of himself he didn't know existed roared to life. He wanted to devour this woman, he wanted to hide her away so no one else could see her, he wanted to mark her as his and his alone. The instinct frightened him after so many years of trying to evolve. 

All too soon she pulled her face away from his, but stayed in his arms. "Godric, that shouldn't have happened." She said huskily.

"But it did happen." Godric still didn't let her go, he never wanted to. Didn't she know she was his?

"I have to go, I'm being watched." Aya tilted her head to an upstairs window where two sets of brown eyes were watching the pair.

"You'll be in Fangtasia tomorrow night. Until then..." He kissed her on the forehead and reluctantly walked away from her. Leaving her felt wrong. That primitive beast inside screamed at him to stay with her. 

Aya went inside and slid down the back of the door. She cradled her head in her hands, Don't let him have you, you idiot.

"Hey Aunt Aya?" Laura sat on the floor next to her. "So, would you let that vampire bite you?"

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