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Aya rubbed her tired eyes and stretched back in the supposedly ergonomic computer chair. As much as she loved being back in academia, she still struggled with the long hours of research., being still was never her forte. Images of violent cryptids glared out at her from the computer screen, but she still had not found what she was looking for; information on herself, on the djinn. It took the debacle in Louisiana for her and Dirazen to realize how little they knew about their own kind, to understand that their father thought they were protecting them by keeping secrets about their powers.

Pulling away from the screen Aya looked out the cottage window to the tumultuous ocean and rocky cliffs outside. Heavy winds were blowing in sea spray and a storm. It would be daylight soon but Godric was out on the cliffs reveling in the chaos of the ocean and coming storm, he would make it back soon though. The uncertainty of their life together threatened to overwhelm Aya at times. There was no blue print for their romance, no example to follow. She wanted to spend eternity with him, but couldn't become a vampire. The thought of growing old alone while Godric was forced to watch her slowly fade away was more than she could bear at times. That's why her research was so important; there had to be something in the lore about the lifespan of djinn, some magical solution to her own mortality had to exist. Still, while she researched incessantly the thought of one day being forced to leave Godric made every moment all the more precious.

As if on cue the back door slammed announcing Godric's return just as the first few rays started to crest over the water. Aya quickly drew the UV blocking shades to protect him. It was strange how her own circadian rhythm had easily started to match Godric's. Sleepiness tugged at the corner of her eyes even as she knew the villagers down the road would soon be starting their days. Strong arms embraced her and she melted into the kiss on her neck.

"Did you find anything productive?" Godric did not pull away when he asked his question, if anything he pulled Aya closer.

"A reference to a book somewhere in Kazakhstan, if it hasn't been bombed out." Aya pulled away but took Godric's hand and lead him towards their bed.

Godric's phone dinged with the sound of a text message just as they laid down. It was the same every morning, the sun was going down in Louisiana just as it was coming up in their small corner of the world. Godric sighed dramatically and had a quick conversation with Eric before putting the phone face down on the night stand. He turned to Aya and braced himself up on one elbow and slid his other hand down her stomach.

"And what trouble is your son in now?" Aya giggled at the light tickle she felt from his touch and at the thought of how a small town such as Bon Temps attracted so much supernatural trouble.

"Witches," Godric creased his eyebrows. "He's angered a coven of witches."

Aya reached up and smoothed the worried look on his face, she was perhaps the only one who saw how truly worried Eric made his maker. "He has Sookie to help him now." She reassured him.

"Yes," Godric leaned his face towards Aya's touch. "Sookie, Pam, Alcide, and others. He is not nearly as alone as he was when we reconnected in Dallas. Still-"

"Still you feel like you need to rush in and save him."

Godric nodded. "I do not suppose that's an instinct that will go away any time soon, but," He leaned down and kissed her lips, grinning with pride at the moan the action elicited. "I would much rather," His lips trailed down her jaw to her collarbone, then to one pert nipple. "Be right here, with you."

Godric continued his trail of kisses, licks, and bites down her body. She was begging for release when he finally rocked his hard member inside her. Together they pleasured each other long into the day, basking in the joy of being together without complications or fear. When she finally came one final time with a cry of his name Aya settled herself in Godric's arms and he quickly fell asleep, dead to the world.

Inexplicably, she thought of the villagers going about their day fishing, working, going to school, feeling the warmth of the sun on their faces as they lived their lives. Just before drifting to sleep herself, Aya felt a pang of longing for the life she had dreamed up, to be sitting in bed with Godric and the child they created together, to see Godric smiling in the sunlight. But then, she reminded herself, she would gladly trade in the sun for the real version laying beside her. The real Godric was often uncertain despite his experiences, had a temper, was melancholy, and so very unsure of his place in the world; but he was also kind, and smart, and good, and completely hers, and for now that was enough.

**Author's note: Thank you so much for taking this journey with me. It feels so good to have completed this part of Godric and Aya's story. I have an idea for a sequel in my head but I do not know when I will get around to writing it. Thank you for reading my story, those of you who showed interest in my writing got me back into the practice after taking many years off and I cannot thank you enough for bringing that joy back to my life. I have nothing else to say but thank you, thank you, thank you and keep supporting independent and fan fiction writers, we write for you.**

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