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"nothing safe is worth the drive,

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"nothing safe is worth the drive,

and i will follow you, follow you home."

treacherous - taylor swift


As Lily opened the curtains in her bedroom, she sighed out quietly, looking up at the sky. It was a nice day outside, which completely contradicted how she was truly feeling.

The last few days had been a blur, to say the least. If she was being really honest, the last few weeks had been a blur.

Her sister's doppelgänger, Katherine, showed up in Mystic Falls, creating quite the mess when she came. Stefan and Damon hadn't been lying when they said there was a resemblance. When Lily first saw Katherine, she almost did a double-take. It was like they were the exact same person, besides their personalities, of course. That was the only thing that distinguished the two.

Katherine turned Caroline into a vampire, which created a whole new problem. Stefan had to help her get through the transition without killing too many people, and everyone's heart broke for her. She was incredibly confused, and they knew Caroline wasn't the type of person to kill people, even when she was extremely mad.

They also found out that the Lockwoods had a long line of werewolves in their family, which led to a bit of a blood battle between Damon and Tyler's uncle. Well, not a blood battle, really.. he just killed him.

Lily felt incredibly alone in all of this. She wasn't anything special or supernatural, she was just a human that happened to get tied up in everything. Lily had Jeremy, of course, but she didn't even like that he was part of it, either.

The night before, everyone had attempted to kill Katherine at the masquerade ball. They had a plan set and everything, but, of course, nothing went as planned. Katherine was onto them, and they knew they should have thought it through a bit better.

Lily was snapped out of her thoughts by Jeremy knocking on her bedroom door, poking his head in after a few seconds.

"Hey, have you seen Elena?" He asked, causing Lily to turn around and furrow her eyebrows at her brother.

"No, not since last night. I went to bed as soon as I got home, I was kind of exhausted." Lily replied, smiling slightly at him as she walked towards him. "Why are you asking?" Lily continued, confused still. She had just assumed that Elena had come straight home after the masquerade.

"She's not in her bedroom. I'm assuming she spent the night at Stefan's, but I just wanted to see if you knew." He shrugged, smiling slightly. Lily frowned a bit, shaking her head. She wouldn't have spent the night at Stefan's, she knew they weren't on the best terms.

"Okay.." Lily trailed off, trying to remember if she had seen Elena before she left the masquerade ball.

"What? Is something wrong?" Jeremy asked, his expression turning as he saw his sister's confused look. Lily quickly shook her head, putting a light smile on her face to cover up her true thoughts.

𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒 - [𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘫𝘢𝘩 𝘮𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘰𝘯]Where stories live. Discover now