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"but i promise you this,

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"but i promise you this,

i'll always look out for you."

sparks - coldplay


Damon and Lily made their way back to the Salvatore house, and Alaric was there to meet them as soon as they walked through the door.

They told him what happened with Elijah, and Damon poured himself a drink as Lily shared the details, as usual.

After filling him in, Alaric and Lily sat on the sofa, with Damon reclined in the chair.

"How's your throat?" Alaric asked, looking over at Damon as he grimaced slightly.

"Sore." Damon replied simply, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked over at them. Damon was surprised at how strong Elijah was, but he would never admit it.

"Well, you did get stabbed with a pencil." Lily stated, looking over at Damon who just glared at her in response.

"Yeah, Elijah's one scary dude." Alaric responded, sighing as Damon took a long sip of his drink. "But, with nice hair. You want another one?" Alaric asked Damon, holding up his glass as he walked over to refill it.

Damon nodded, handing Alaric his glass as he sighed out loudly.

"He's gonna be hard to kill." Damon replied, narrowing his eyes at the ceiling as he thought about Elijah.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Lily cut in, giving them a tight-lipped smile before excusing herself and walking out of the room into the hallway.

Lily didn't want to be part of their scheme to kill Elijah, since part of her felt it was wrong. He had done a lot for Elena, and he had acted really sweet towards her earlier.

As Lily was walking to the bathroom, someone grabbed her and shoved her against the wall, their cold gaze settling into her eyes as they pinned her down.

"Well, hello." The man said, smirking down at her as he covered her mouth. "You're not gonna say a word." He continued, and Lily was about to protest, but he slammed her against the wall, causing everything to go black.


Lily woke up a little while later, her head pounding as she groaned out softly. Her groan was muffled, though, and she quickly realized that the man had tied a scarf around her mouth and a rope around her wrists and ankles. Lily's hands were tied behind her back, the ropes attached to the bookshelf she was sitting by.

Lily looked around, trying to see if Damon or Alaric were anywhere near her. Lily didn't know how long she had been out, but she didn't think it had been very long, considering Damon probably would have taken care of it as soon as he could.

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