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It didn't take long for Klaus to figure out that Elena's blood was the key to making his hybrids.

This enabled him to drain Elena almost completely dry, until Damon found her and stopped it from happening.

Damon and Katherine had found where Klaus' father was buried, and they proceeded to try and wake him up. Apparently, he had always tried to kill Klaus, and wouldn't stop no matter who got in the way.

This was Damon's way of getting leverage on Klaus, since Klaus seemed to be terrified of him.

Lily couldn't stop thinking about what Klaus had said about Elijah. He used the fact that she had cared about Elijah to his advantage. It was like he could see right through her.

Lily also didn't understand why Elijah wasn't with his siblings. She thought he had run off with Klaus to be reunited with his family, but clearly she was mistaken, seeing as he wasn't anywhere near them.

Their main goal now was to use Mikael to their advantage to finally kill Klaus.

Damon had started to trust Lily more, considering he knew how upset she was about Elijah. Lily didn't care how it happened, but she wanted Klaus dead as much as the rest of them. He had taken away so much from her - it was only fair that they got to plot against him as well.

So, they developed a plan to lure Klaus back to Mystic Falls so Mikael could kill him.

Damon had come up with the whole thing, and all of them agreed, after a little bit of persuading, that it was a good idea.

Stefan was currently trying to call Klaus, preparing to tell him that Mikael was dead, even though he was not.

"Your father's dead." Stefan stated, not bothering to even say hello when Klaus picked up the phone.

"Oh, my mistake, not your actual father, but Mikael. Daggered." Stefan continued, and Lily crossed her arms as she stood in between Damon and Rebekah, who had agreed to help them after Elena convinced her to. "What do you want me to do with the body?" He asked, glancing over at Mikael, who had been temporarily daggered.

Rebekah was still not Lily's favorite, but she was grateful that she was helping, since Lily knew she was the key to making this work.

"Mikael followed Elena and tried to grab her to use her as bait." Stefan explained, glancing over at everyone as he spoke. "Damon and I vervained him and found a dagger on him, which he planned to use on Rebekah, but Elena drove it through his heart." Damon nodded slightly, rubbing his forehead as he listened to the conversation.

"Well, he's here." Stefan spoke up, glancing over at Mikael's body, and Lily knew Klaus must've asked to see him. "Come by whenever." He added, acting as if it were no big deal.

Stefan got up and walked over to them, looking down at the body. "It's true." Stefan persisted, glancing up at Rebekah after a few moments. "She's right here." Stefan handed the phone to Rebekah, who looked a little hesitant.

"Hello, Nik." Rebekah greeted as she glanced up at them while Elena nodded at her slightly. "It's true. He's finally out of our lives for good. I miss you, I'm miserable." Rebekah continued, smiling slightly at the thought of her family. "I'll see you then, brother." She said, right before hanging up the phone. "He bought it. He's coming home." Rebekah explained, handing the phone to Elena before walking out of the room.

"Was that easy or what?" Damon asked, a small smirk on his face as he realized his plan worked.

"I'm going to go talk to Rebekah real quick." Lily spoke up, smiling slightly at Elena as she followed Rebekah out of the room, leaving them to remove the dagger from Mikael.

Lily found Rebekah in the study, who immediately turned when she walked in.

"What do you want?" Rebekah asked in annoyance, but her usual scowl wasn't resting on her face.

"I just wanted to say thank you." Lily replied, walking towards her as she sighed out softly. "I know you care about your family, and this must have been hard." Lily added, as Rebekah narrowed her eyes slightly at her.

"You're right, I do care about my family. We all care about each other." Rebekah stated, glancing over at Lily as she nodded slightly. "Niklaus told me about you and Elijah." She added, and Lily tensed up slightly at this.

"What do you mean?" Lily asked, biting down on her lower lip slightly as Rebekah rolled her eyes.

"He always liked the nice ones, you know." Rebekah stated, glancing around at the bookshelves. "But, he will always choose family. No matter what it comes down to." She added, turning to walk out of the room before Lily stopped her.

"Wait, Rebekah. I just have one question." Lily spoke up, causing Rebekah to turn back around and lean against the doorway expectantly. "Where is he?" Lily asked, almost afraid of her answer. But, it was something she had been wondering since the day he left.

"Niklaus has him daggered with the rest of our family." Rebekah replied, and Lily felt her breath hitch in her throat. He was dead. "You should probably just forget about him." She added, before turning back around and leaving the room to find Mikael.

She was right, Lily needed to forget.


"Damon, I need you to do something for me." Lily stated, walking in the room where Stefan, Elena and Damon were standing together.

"Heard that one before." Damon replied, smirking softly as Elena rolled her eyes. "What do you need?" He asked, looking at Lily as she walked over to them.

"I need you to make me forget." Lily stated, to which all of them looked at her, confused.

"What?" Elena asked, stepping closer to Lily as she furrowed her eyebrows slightly.

"I don't want to remember him anymore. I just want to forget. I can't spend the rest of my life wondering if he's going to come back." Lily replied, glancing at Elena before looking back up at Damon. "Compel me to forget." Lily demanded, causing Elena to shake her head quickly.

"Lily, no. This isn't the right choice." Elena insisted, but Lily shook her head in response.

"It's not your choice to make." Lily replied, watching as Damon crossed his arms. Damon wasn't going to do it, knowing Elena wouldn't let him, and that it wasn't what Lily truly wanted.

"You will regret it if I compel you." Damon stated, and Lily rolled her eyes slightly.

"No, I won't. I don't want to feel it anymore." Lily argued, taking in a deep breath as Elena stepped in front of Damon to look at her sister.

"I know it hurts, Lily." Elena spoke softly, looking at Lily as she grabbed her arm gently. "But this isn't the solution." She added, and Lily pulled away from her grasp.

"Fine." Lily stated, looking at Damon before walking out of the room.

Lily figured she could let this whole thing with Klaus blow over, and then, once he was dead, she would get someone else to compel her.

Lily didn't care what she had to do, she just never wanted to think of Elijah again.


super short chapter, i promise that the next one will be longer!!

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