Chapter Four

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Jay’s POV

I’ll admit it that I was disappointed when I woke up.

I turn to my side and look at my closed door and I imagined him walking in, with that mischievous smile on his face. I sighed and pulled the blanket to my chin. I try to fall asleep again because it seemed like it was still dark outside. Or did I sleep all day? But after ten minutes, I began to get restless, so I got up and went to the kitchen. I made tea and sat down on the counter, waiting for it. My mind began to wonder off. I sat there for the longest time, wondering where Nathan had gone off to and every now and then I would drink my tea.

I force myself to snap out of it and I looked over to my schedule. Great. I wasn’t working and I missed my chance of inviting my mother out for dinner. What time was it anyways? It didn’t feel late. Maybe it was best to have a clock on the wall instead of searching the whole house for your phone. Which I lost, again, I sighed in annoyance and began my search.

It took ten minutes before I found it in my pants pocket which should’ve been the first place I looked. It was seven in the evening and it was pitch black outside. I wander to the window and open the drapes. I sat down on the couch and turned on the news. It wasn’t anything important; it dragged on about a dog that saved a two year old from falling off the terrace. Normally, somebody else would find that amazing but I sat there in front of the TV bored out of my mind. I wanted to go out. I needed to get out of this place. So I got up and dressed. I closed the TV and left my apartment, locking the door behind me. I walked in the other direction from the pub and wandered around aimlessly not knowing where I was going actually. This area was new to me, so I figured I’d go around and explore. If I got lost, I’d just get a taxi and tell them my address. That seemed like a good idea so I walked in the silence for two blocks before I heard music. I walked around the corner and saw a club where a line began from its entrance and down the street. I shrugged and lined up. The line wasn’t extremely slow, at least it was moving.

So I waited for twenty minutes before I paid the entrance fee and made my way inside. It wasn’t as hyped as the pub but it played good music. I opened my phone and texted my mum. I’ll call the first I find out that I’m free. I’m booked all week.  It was a small white lie and I should’ve called her the first thing I woke up. But I wanted something to do. I sat at the bar and ordered a beer. I had to pay extra because one of the employees recognized me as the new kid at the pub. That was unfair but he said that they’re their rival or something and they didn’t welcome anybody that worked there. But they didn’t kick me out so I stayed.

“What’s your name?” a voice said beside me. I look and see that it’s a girl. She has blonde hair that went up to her shoulders. She was pretty.

“Jay.” I answer.

“What are you doing here all alone?” She gave me a sly smile that was supposed to break the ice but I was hardly fazed at her attempt to flirt. She was obviously a little tipsy. What was with these people that started drinking so early in the evening?

She giggles and holds at a hand. “Let’s dance.”

“Sure.” I held out my hand and as she takes it, I lead her to the center of the room. There is a lot of space on the dance floor and from the looks of it; it was just us that were actually dancing.

“Are you new around here?” She shouts over the music.

“Yes, I just moved down the street from the old pub.”

“Really?” She says. “Where that band sings?”


“Are they good?”

“I’m not sure. I haven’t heard them sing yet.” I pull her by her waist and we jump to the music. She wraps her arms around my neck and tilts back her head, exposing her neck. I lean in and kiss the spot below her chin. She looks at me and smiles.

“It’s too early to leave, let’s have a couple while the night is still young.” She winks and leads me back to the bar. I, of course, being the gentlemen buy our drinks. “So how old are you?”

“Twenty.” I reply, taking her arm the way Nathan did mine. I trail my fingers down her arm until I reach her hand. She grasps my hand and smiles.

“I just turned nineteen last week.” She says in a shy kind of way.

“Well, happy belated birthday.”

“Thank you.” She says in her drink. She quickly downs that one and I call over the bartender for another one. “You’re trying to get me drunk.”

“I hope that’s not a bad thing.”

For the rest of the hour, we talk about nothing in particular but she stays on her fifth drink, only taking sips once in a while. I was still on my second. The club was getting crowded now. There were more people around us, forcing the space to be limited, especially between me and her – Jane. Honestly, I am gay but I couldn’t leave her alone.

That’s when I saw him and he was still looking right at me. “Nathan.” I get up from the stool and push my way towards him. Once I reach the spot he was before, he is gone.

It takes me what seems like forever before I manage to leave the club. “Nathan!” The people waiting in line looked at me weird but I still called out for him. He couldn’t be inside, please don’t let him be inside. It would be impossible for me to look for him. I turn around and I see him walking down the street. I ran after him. “Nathan.”

I grab his wrist and I stop him. “I’m sorry I didn’t come this morning. I’m not a day person” is the first thing he says to me.

I smile. “It’s fine.”

“C’mon,” he takes my hand. “Let’s walk.”

“Where are we going?”

“I want to show you something.” He starts walking and I follow close behind him. 

Chasing the Sun [Jaythan/Vampire] AUWhere stories live. Discover now