Chapter Two

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Jay’s POV

I woke up feeling like shit and I had the urge to run to the washroom and throw up my intestines. I shouldn’t have drunk so much and my head felt like it was being smashed against the pavement a dozen times. I turned to my side and curled up into a ball, hugging my stomach. I was fucking cold! I reach for the blanket and wrapped it around me. I felt my body calm down but not enough. I was shivering like mad and I open my eyes for just a second, searching for my towel. I see it on the floor and make a run for it. I hate mornings and how it got so cold. I wrap the towel around me and opened the hot water all the way and I didn’t realize until after that I didn’t put the cold water on.

It was insane on how I was still freezing.

But I stayed long enough until the water turned cold and I still could not stop shivering. Was I coming down on something? Am I getting sick? Am I dying? I felt like I was, no – a thousand times over. My head felt like it was splitting in two and I felt as if I was in artic wearing nothing at all. I dreaded leaving the tub but I had to. So I opened the curtain and wrapped the towel around me. I ran to my drawers and threw on whatever that could possibly help me warm up.

I lay in my bed, trying to warm myself up and I ended up falling back asleep despite that I was still freezing. I woke up at noon and I felt better but I was nauseous and I had to hold onto the wall to keep myself up as I went to the kitchen. I was hungry and I needed to puke at the same, so I went looking for something to eat and then maybe that might help me.  I open the fridge and there was absolutely nothing to eat. I turn to the cupboards and find bread and jam, a perfect combination for such a lonely couple. I check their expiration dates before I made myself a sandwich. I look at my schedule, I’m free on Wednesday. I pull out my sticky notes and wrote down ‘call mom, make sure she brings food.

I made myself another four more sandwiches and sat down in front of the TV. There’s breaking news of a young man, just a year younger than me, murdered down in Second Street. That was only three blocks away from my apartment. They describe him as a young blonde curly haired man with blue eyes and the same height as me and his name was Joe Marston. He went to school in the city and he was last seen at the pub. Where?! I stood up, eyes wide open. I ran to the garbage and spit out my food.

He stayed until closing time -says a witness - I remember he was piss drunk before walking down the street alone.” came from the TV. “If I had known somehow, I would’ve done something like call a cab.

It was then when the witness stopped talking that I ran to the washroom and fell on my knees, puking everything that I just ate. My stomach finally calmed down but I still felt hungry and I sat down, my back leaning against the wall. I try to remember what happened last night. Did I drink? Did I drink so much that I woke up shivering, my head hurting, and my stomach refusing to take in everything? That sounded exactly like a hangover but I swear I did not drink anything but water – unless someone drugged me. But I start to remember that I helped Tom close up and I walked home… that was it. That was all I could remember and I wake up this morning in my bed, without knowing how the hell I got there.

“What happened last night?” I stand up and walk to the sink. I wash myself and began scrubbing my face with soap until I accidently taste it. I grab the towel and dry off my face. I dab my neck and I noticed something peculiar.

The phone screams from my room. I rush over and open it. “Hello?” I head back to the washroom.

“Jay?” A familiar voice says in the other line. It’s Tom. “Where the hell are you?”

“I’m home.” I crane my neck to the side as I try to get a better look at it. “What is it?”

“It’s past seven and you’re late for your second shift! I covered for you saying that your grandmother is in the hospital.”

“My grandma isn’t in the hospital.” I touch it and I flinch from the pain.

“Of course she isn’t, you idiot!” He hisses in the other line. “Get your ass here!”

“Alright, I’m coming.” I look at the wound on my neck and I realize that it was two puncture wounds. “What the hell?” I muttered to myself. “Ha!” I laugh to myself; they actually look like vampire bites.

I ignore it and think nothing of it as I changed and walked all the way to the pub. I show my employee to the security guard and make my way to the bar. Tom waves me over once he spots me and sighs. “If you want to keep this job, it’s best if you don’t miss a shift.”

“I hadn’t realized it was seven.” I said, trying to defend myself. He shakes his head. “I swear it was still the afternoon before you called.”

“Funny how you lose time, don’t let it happen again.” He says, brushing past me. I run my fingers through my hair.

“Hey, Jay!” Siva shouts over to me, he walks over, a cloth and a glass in his hand. “You’re on the floor!”

I see that they were already full behind the bar. Alright, Jay, let’s do this. Max drops a pen and a note pad in front of me. “It’s pretty easy, relax.”

“Thanks.” I say and taking both the pen and the notepad. I walk around aimlessly for ten minutes before a group of girl’s wave me over. “What can I get you lovely ladies?”

“Shots all around,” They giggle, obviously already buzzed even though it was close to eight. “It’s my girl’s bachelorette party here,” a red head wraps an arm around the girl sitting next to her. “She’s getting married tomorrow.”

“Well, congratulations.” I give her my best smile and she blushes. “Shots, is it?”

“Yes!” The girl on my left says. “With the strongest liquor you have.”

“Alright.” I flash them a smile and I walk to the bar. That’s when I see him. He’s dressed differently. A black pair of jeans, navy jacket and a white t-shirt underneath, with a black cap as well. Just as I was about to turn around, he turns and his eyes land straight to mine. I want to run and I begin to shake. I was feeling cold again and there was that red glint in his eyes that disappeared as quickly as it came.

The pub was packed tonight and he had no trouble at all walking towards me. It looked like people moved out of his path. I couldn’t move and I was trying to send signals to my legs to make a run for it. “You’re shaking.” He says as he places his hands on my hips. It felt weird and I flinched back as if his hands burned me. He smirks and looks at my neck. I react without thinking and cover it with my hand. He smiles ear to ear and takes my hand off my neck. “Let’s dance.”

“I’m working.” I say, my words coming out shaky and my breathing uneven. We were barely raising our voices and I still managed to hear him.

“They won’t care.” He takes my hand and leads me to the center of the dance floor. 

Chasing the Sun [Jaythan/Vampire] AUWhere stories live. Discover now