Chapter Ten

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Nathan’s POV

If I were human, I would’ve said I couldn’t sleep. Instead I sat in the booth where Jay and I sat the other night and I watched the never ending entertainment. The singer sang a hypnotic tune that would’ve put a spell on any human and possessed them, sending them into a blissful abyss. Jane disappeared from my side the first moment we arrived, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I thought of ways that could stop the transformation but those were never successful in the past. I thought of going on with the transfer again but then the images of Jay having an “overdose” came to mind.

I should have never done this. I should’ve kept my will power and stop myself from following him that night. He wouldn’t be in this position right now. But I love him. I’ll say it a thousand times, I love him and I could not bear hurting him again.

Here I was, talking about my feelings which are completely uncharacteristic of me.

“It’s the only way, you know.” I hear the familiar voice of a cat. Jane slides in beside me and touches my cheek with her hand. She has the look in her eye, the kind of look that made me love her in the first place. “If you don’t, he’ll die.”

“He’ll die anyways.” I whisper, taking her hand. She kept the ring when I asked her to be my wife, the rock that never stopped glittering.

“There has to be a chance he could live.” There are times when Jane could be a bitch, where I can’t stand her. When I can’t even look or be beside her. But they are times when I remember I used to love her once and she loved me. The times we spent in Paris or in Berlin. We have so much time on our hands and yet I still feel like there is no tomorrow and I’m stuck in a shell, never moving. “There is a chance.”

We’re quiet for a very long time. I break the silence when a new performer went on stage. I look at her, the woman I used to love. Her long blonde hair and her eyes that made me lose my breath. “When did we stop loving each other?”

“You mean, when did you stop loving me?” She smiles. She’s beautiful under the dim lights.

“I’ve never stopped loving you.”

“Maybe, but it was different later on. It changed.” She looks at her ring. “I knew when we came back to the city.”

“I always took care of you.”

“But you were different. One night, you promised a home and children and the next night, you stopped promising me stuff that I knew we could never have.” I let go of her hand and just watched her as she got up. She turned and smiled. “Maybe that’s why I’m so bitter, you loved someone else even before you knew it. You just met him now.”

I’m quiet but she continues.

“He’s lovely; I understand why you love him.” She changed her clothes. She’s wearing a gown, something you never see anymore. But she’s shining, even if it was dark; she’s the light in the room. “You found your true love.”

I had to laugh because it sounded cheesy.

“He’s perfect for you, Nathan.” She leans down and kisses my cheek. “Take care of him.”

I watch her as she makes her way to the bar. She sits beside a man and mingles with him the rest of the night. For the next couple of hours, I sit in the same place and I try to wait patiently for the evening. I have to wait for night because I’ll burn if I step outside. So I wait another couple hours and once the sun is gone, I’m gone from my seat. No one notices that I’ve disappeared and I ran to Jay’s. I’m there in seconds and I knock on the door.

I wait for a moment and there is no answer. I knock again, shuffling my feet anxiously. “Jay?” I call.

There is no answer.

The panic feeling slowly increases inside of me as I spent another minute knocking on the door. I’m pounding the door but by the time, I’m frantic. I take hold of the doorknob and push the door with my shoulder, barely using my strength and it comes off by its hinges. I search the kitchen and the living, and then I run to his room. He’s not there. “Jay!” I shout. There is no answer.

I run to the washroom. He’s on the floor and unconscious. “Jay.” I pick him up and rush him to his bed. I put his body on the bed, carefully. I try to shake him. I check his pulse. He’s breathing. “Jay, wake up.” I shake him by his shoulders. “Fuck, Jay, wake up!”

He coughs and his body begins to shake violently. He begins to calm down and his eyes open. He looks at me and gives a weak smile. “What happened?”

“I found you on the bathroom floor.” I take his hands and kiss them. “You fucking scared me.”

“I remember feeling dizzy.” He tries to sit up but I push him back.

“No,” I kiss his head. “Sleep.”

“I slept all day.” He groans and sits up. He leans against the headboard and sighs. “The hunger is coming back; maybe that’s why I blacked out.”

“When have you stopped eating human food?”

“I don’t know.” He rubs his face with his hands and sighs heavily. “I’m so hungry, Nathan.”

He can’t consume vampire or human blood or that might trigger the transformation. It’s better with animal blood. They used to do that in the old ages when the sick couldn’t move. I kiss his head. “I’ll be back in two minutes.”

I leave and search around the neighbourhood. I couldn’t take a dog, something that no one would notice. So I looked in the dark alleys and found it. I went back to Jay’s room and one look sent him spewing in his toilet. “What the hell is that?”

I lift it up, showing it to him. “It’s a rat.”

“Do you expect me to eat it?”

“No, drink its blood.”

“What if it’s sick, it could have some sort of disease or something?” He stands up, peering at the thing. I wave him to follow me and we went to the kitchen. I grab a cup and slit the thing’s throat. I held it over the cup and the cup filled up halfway. I threw the rat in the sink and picked up the cup. Jay looked green again and he held his stomach, as if he were about to throw up again.

“It’s clean, I swear.” I take his hand and made him hold the cup. “If it were a diseased animal, I wouldn’t let you drink it.”

“Will it help?”

“You won’t be satisfied but it’ll cease the hunger.” I had to force him a couple more times before he put the cup to his lips and the red liquid trailed down his throat. I could the color in his skin change, from pale green to his natural color. He downed all of it and belched. “How do you feel?”

“Slightly better.” He puts the cup on the counter and frowns. “That was fucking disgusting.”

I smiled and leaned in against his body. He nuzzles my neck and sighs. “That will help but only for a little bit. You’ll want larger amounts afterwards and then animal blood won’t do anymore. You’ll start to want human blood.”

“I’m not comfortable with that image.” He sighs again and puts his hands on each side of my neck. I close my eyes and know what was coming. “You need to do the transfer. It’s the only way.”

“You sound like Jane.”

He laughs. “She’s right.”

Chasing the Sun [Jaythan/Vampire] AUWhere stories live. Discover now