Chapter Twenty

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Jay’s POV

What was I supposed to say when Nathan asked me if was okay?

Rebel vampires want me to make new and better vampires and Nathan changed me because I looked like Jason Gautrand and I’m supposedly his descendant. I didn’t sign up for this. I never asked for this. I was thrown into this world with my hands tied, legs cuffed, mouth gagged and I had no choice at all. Nobody asked me if I wanted to be the new Dracula! This only happens in stories. A clichéd movie that got terrible reviews and the acting was horrifying. This doesn’t happen in real life!

So what did I say when Nathan asked me if I was okay when Tom and his men left without another word? I said, “I’m fine.”

It was just the two of us now. We were still standing where they left us. Tom said he would come back for me and hand me over to the rebel vampires like I was a present and I was wearing a bow on my head. Nathan had convinced him to leave us so everything that just happened would process inside my head and I wouldn’t have an audience when I broke down and begged for everything to stop happening so fast.  

“Jay,” He puts a hand on my shoulder.

I move so fast that I’m sure it wasn’t human speed. I thought it would be different, turning into a vampire I mean. I kept picturing it would be fast and painful but beautiful at the same time. The way a character would explain in a movie. I guess it was for other people, like Nathan. But I’m only assuming. The way I changed felt like I wasn’t aware of it, like a really bad cold. But at the same time it felt like I was having a really bad fever for a month and I was on my death bed. I had this ticking inside my head the past couple of weeks. I kept hearing it knowing that I was ready to die, to drop dead and I was saying goodbye to everybody and I was accepting it.

But now this happens. I didn’t stop breathing and I wasn’t six feet under. I am a vampire. The big and baddest vampire and what was I supposed to say?

He steps back in shock and I see that I’m not the only one with bloodshot eyes. His cheeks are wet and the tip of his nose is red. “I’m so sorry.” His voice breaks. He reaches for my hand but I step away from him. He looks away and his chin trembles.  “I didn’t mean for this to happen, Jay.”

“What?” I whispered, my throat scratched. “What part didn’t you mean to happen? Where my friend Tom is a vampire hunter and he’ll happily hand me over to the rebel vampires or even, where I’m the descendant of some dead guy who you fell in love with, which part Nathan – which part didn’t you mean to happen?”

I didn’t realise I was shouting until I shoved Nathan and he fell on the ground. “Fuck Jay, all of it.” He screams.

“Well I’m sorry you were jealous of your lover and he loved someone else.” I spat between my teeth.

“This is what I tried protecting you from.” He says, helplessly. He gets on his feet and reaches for me but I step back. He keeps walking towards me until I’m pressed up against the wall. He puts his hands on each side of my face and presses his forehead against mine. “I’m so fucking sorry, Jay.”

“You know,” I started and I cursed myself when my voice breaks. “dying sounds so much better than this. At least I won’t live for a hundred years knowing that I’m a monster.”

He punches the wall beside my head and growls in frustration, pushing himself off of me. “I didn’t love him!” He shouts and pulls at his hair. “I didn’t love Jane. I lived for years on end with this empty feeling inside of me. When I saw you that night and you reminded me so much of Jason and that was why I was so cruel. I planned every detail of it that night. I followed you and I thought of every possible way to kill you and that was my plan. That was my plan! But I loved you from the moment I saw you. In some cheesy, clichéd fucking way! I fell in love with you!”

“Why does it matter?”

“Jane was the human girl Jason fell in love with.” I don’t even know where he’s going with this. “After I killed him, I hunted her. I was ready to kill her and I nearly did. She had a family; she was a widow with two children. Twins! As revenge, I changed her and forced her into this life because I didn’t want to kill her. I wanted her to suffer.”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m confessing!” He shouts. “Because I don’t want to lie to you anymore.”

“I don’t care.” I said. “I don’t care anymore on what you did or what you are. I just want to be left alone.”

“That’s not happening.” He says. “It’s too late now.”

I shoved him and began walking to the exit but he grabbed my hand. “Let go.”

“I’m not going to let go.” He fists my shirt in his hands. “I’m not letting you go.”

“I have to look for Tom.” I whispered. So that was it. I was giving up and I didn’t care.

His grip tightens and he begins to panic. “No.” He says repeatedly. “It can’t end like this.”

“What else am I supposed to do?” He’s quiet and so am I, we don’t say anything for the longest time and the only sound breaking the silence was the world outside. “What else am I supposed to do?” I repeated.

“Do you still love me?” He whispers, barely a sound.

“I do.”

“Are you scared?”

I take a while to answer. “No.” I was lying of course.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Just take me to Tom.”

Chasing the Sun [Jaythan/Vampire] AUWhere stories live. Discover now