Time to explain

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Ava's POV

Sharpe, the girl's name is Brooke Sharpe I know it sounds stupid but I feel like deep down I recognize the girl I don't know why.

"Can you give me my backpack so, I can explain please?" she said, I was gonna give her the backpack but Sara stops me.

"We don't know what is in this backpack" she is right, maybe she was lying to us, Sara opens the backpack and throws everything on the table "okay three knives, a gun, history books, notebooks marked by years, two files Ava Sharpe and Brooke Sharpe and photos......." Sara stops when she took the pictures, I went over to see what the photos were about, I took one it was me with Brooke but she was younger about seven I would say and the others it was me and Brooke since she was a baby.

" Rip ever told you why he erased your memory" she asks, I don't know why that was relevant.

"yes, so things could be easier" I say to her, Brooke's eyes suddenly fill with hate.

"Of course that son of a bitch told you that" she says what Rip did to her because you can see that Brooke really really hates Rip.

" What Rip did to you?" Sara asked her

"I think you two should sit down, Sara you can pass me the files and the notebooks also the photos please" Sara pass Brooke what she needs, and we both sit down "I know that in the beginning, you wouldn't believe me and Ava I know you don't want to hear this but you need to know the truth" Brooke clears her throat "the first clone was created in 2201, after her, another 12 were cloned, they were allowed to live their lives as they wanted to see how they joined the society, you were one of the 12, the only thing that I know is that you went to a bar and you got pregnant, after nine months you gave birth to a girl, I am that girl" she says

"That's impossible I don't have a daughter" I yelled angry and confused "I-I don't have a daughter" 

"You can check all you want photos, files, DNA you can even go and talk to Rip he is busted anyways" the girl says I go to see the photos.

"But I don't remember that and I don't remember you" I was crying in confusion, sadness and because I was happy maybe I have a daughter.

"It was 2209 we were in your office when a man entered, he introduced himself as Rip Hunter, He was there to make you a job offer, he wanted to recruit you for the Time Bureau" in 2014, you rejected him because the job implied that you would have to leave me alone in 2209, after that he left and would leave us in peace or that's what I thought "

" What happened after that" Sara was giving Brooke a concerned look

" It was my seventh birthday, it was at night we were watching movies in the living room when they started knocking on the door they were Rip's agents, you told me to hide in the closet and I did that, I stayed in the closet until I heard you scream, I came out at the exact moment To see how Rip erased your memory and implanted false memories, I ran to see how you were, one of the agents cut me on the right arm" Brooke lifts the sleeve of her shirt so we can see the scar that she has "When I finally reached you, I asked you 'Mom, are you okay' and you answered 'I'm sorry girl I'm not your mom and I don't know you' after that you went with Rip, that's why he erased your memory so you will leave me" Brooke is crying and who can blame, I'm sure that, what she just told us is a traumatic experience.

" And how did you get here if you are from 2215?" Sara asked.

"I saw you both in 2213, I tried to reach you but by the time I got to the Ava corporation you were already leaving, that's when I realized that there was a way to find you again, after that I traveled to Star city and there is a very old museum with things of the heroes era, There was a time carrier there, nobody knew what it was but I did, the museum only had a night guard so I hacked the alarms for the guard to go to the other side of the museum, I quickly went in to steal it and left, it was broken but after two years of researching about the legends and repairing the time carrier I am here" she stole government propriety.

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