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The drawing above was made by the amazing @notenotenotenote on Tumblr, she has a lot of avalance fanart so make sure you go give her a follow.

Sad music for the chapter.

May 25, 2025

Brooke's POV

I quickly open the portal to our apartment, I take a look around...everything seems back to normal. I run to my room, I check everything there from my bed to my drawers, and bathroom thankfully everything is there, all the photos, gifts.

Then I hear a dramatic ass howl from behind "...Milo" I say softly turning around. Milo is there looking at me with a ball on the floor "Hey buddy" I crouch down and pet him, he licks my face "Ok, let's go find my Moms"

I walk out of the room just in time to see Mom entering the apartment, I instantly launch myself to Mom.

I caught her off guard but she quickly wraps her arms around me "Is everything okay kid?" she asks sweetly moving the hair out of my face.

"Yeah...perfect" I breathe out, I feel Mom getting a little bit confused "I will explain it later, right now I just need this" I mumble.

"Okay, I love you Brooke" she mumbles getting on her tiptoes to kiss my forehead

"I love you too Mom"

I hear some steps coming from behind us. I turn around to see Mama holding a few unbuilt cardboard boxes, I quickly run to her and hug her.

She drops the boxes to hug me back "Oh, ok" I feel her rubbing my back "Are you okay?" she questions.

I nod against her shoulder in response. I relax, they are here, they are fine. I sigh in relief. My mind comes back to the moment "What are those boxes for?" I frown.

"Uh, for when you move out" Mama explains, I scrunch my nose.

"I move out in like three months"

"I know, but I swear with all the futuristic things, prototypes, and weapons you have we could build another Waverider from scratch" I playfully roll my eyes "and with all the stuff you have in your closet I wouldn't be surprised if Narnia was in there"

"Has someone ever told you, you are a little too dramatic" I complain.

"Nope, any way you don't have to do it right now but make sure you don't leave it for the last minute" Mama replies.

I walk to my room to put the boxes in my closet, on the way I hear Mom and Mama making out and mumbling that I am still in the house.

"Don't worry lovebirds, only three more months and you can have all the sex you want without traumatizing me" I yell from my room.

During the rest of the afternoon, I explain to my Moms what happened with the timeline, it was hard seeing their faces as I told them that I killed myself in a timeline where I don't find them. It was awful going through that, facing the worst possible scenario of my life where all the people I care about either die or forget me. Thankfully I was able to fix it.

Two weeks later it is graduation day, it took a while but I finally wrote my speech. I am getting ready for the ceremony, I put some makeup on, the gown, and the cap. I take the small note with the main ideas of my speech and put it in my pocket.

The past that I forgot-AvalanceWhere stories live. Discover now