My Return

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After I said I was leaving, Kageyama Tobio said "Okay." JUST OKAY?! I mean. Come on. He could have had the decency to say something more! I still hold that grudge, from 3rd grade. I know it's from such a long time ago, but that's me. The smart, tall, scary, beautiful, and grudge holding, (y/n). Yup. That's me. I stand at 5'8, which is quite tall for a girl my age. Well, in Japan anyways. I left Kageyama at the end of 3rd grade. I never had contact with him ever since. But now, I'm returning back to the town I lived in before, the same house and every thing. How lucky, right? I just hope Kageyama is still in the same place I left him. He's older than me by just a week. I remember because we would have birthday parties together and well... we were each other's only friend. He refused to talk to other people and I really hope he changed.

I had to move away back then because of my grandma. She had a serious illness and it was starting to get worse. We had to go take care of her and make sure she had a comfortable place to rest. But many years of pain and suffering, she let go... She went peacefully. We stayed for a few more years after to mourn her death. Then my parents decided to move back. I was really excited when they told me that our old house was up for sale. I then realized that I might be able to see Tobio again.

"(Y/n)! Get down here! You're gonna be late!"

I sit up from my bed. Crap! It's the first day and I'm gonna be late! I ump up and start putting on my uniform. I brush my hair and put chapstick on.

"I made you breakfast!"

"Thanks mom! I'll be down in a bit!"

I pack my back and grab my phone. I run down the stairs. My mom hands me my breakfast and lunch and I rush out the door, putting my shoes on. I run to school. I finally arrive in front.

"Good, I'm not late!" I say out of breath

I then walk inside the school building and change my shoes. I find my classroom. 1-5, an advanced class. I don't know anyone here and I sit in a seat on the side, by a window.

Soon classes are over and I get up from my seat and stretch. I yawn and grab my back and books. I go out of the class room. I go to my locker and change my shoes and grab my phone. It's hot today and I sigh. I walk home and it starts to get dark. I hurry home afraid of what might be out there. When I get inside, I fall on the couch next to my older brother.



We both let out a tired sigh and he gets up to start dinner. I turn to watch him.

"Mom and dad aren't home, huh."



"Did you see Kageyama at all?"

"No, I don't know if he's at Kurasuno or not."

"Oh. Okay."

Later we finished eating and I go to my room. I go on my phone for a while before starting my homework. Then after I finish, I change into a big shirt and basketball shorts. I crawl into bed and drift off to sleep.

The next morning I get up and put my uniform on. I pulled my fluffy hair into a half up half down style. I walk down stairs and greet my dad. 

"Good morning, (y/n)."

"Hey, dad."

"Here's lunch and breakfast." He handed me two bentos

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