Day With Kings

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I wake up with Kageyama sleeping next to me. I rub his head and wake him up.
"Hey, c'mon. We gotta eat breakfast."

"Mmm... 5 more minutes..."

"No! Get up, you moron!"

I start shaking him violently. He sits up and pulls me into a bear hug.

"Lemme sleep!"

"Never!" I yell playfully

"(Y/n)... please?"

"No, Bakageyama."

"Since when did you start calling me that?"

"Since now. Now get up!"

I wiggle out of his grip and drag him onto the floor.

"Tobio. let's try that strawberry milk, kay?"

His eyes light up and he hurries to get up. He trips and falls onto me. We fall on the floor.

"K-kageyama, y-you're s-squishing me!"

"Oh, sorry, (y/n)!"

He jumped up and asked if my shoulder was okay. Luckily it didn't so we headed to the kitchen. I run to open the fridge. I grab the bottle and set it on the table while Kags grabbed glasses. I pour equal amounts of milk into each glass.

"Hope this turned out." I say


"Okay, cheers I guess."

We clink glasses lightly and take a sip.

"It's pretty good." I say

"Yeah." he says.

Then the doorbell rings.

"Oh, I guess it's Oikawa."

"Wait, Shitty-kawa is already here?"

"Yeah, guess." I say walking over to the door

He runs to catch up with me and I open the door.


"Hey, Oikawa."

"Gasp, Tobio?!"


"What is my little protege doing here?"

"He's coming to practice with us."

He pouts at this and I let him inside.

"Hey, I'm gonna make breakfast." I say

"I already ate breakfast, you should've told me you were gonna make me breakfast!"

"Oi, shut up, Oikawa. I didn't think you'd come this early."


"And plus I'm making it for myself and Kags."

"Thanks, (y/n)." Tobio says

"Yeah." I reply

Oikawa pouts even more than before. I roll my eyes and start fixing breakfast.


After eating I go upstairs to change, leaving Kageyama and Oikawa alone. How mean of me, I know. I change into shorts and a long sleeve. I pull a pair of Adidas joggers over my shorts. I put on a yellow Champion hoodie. It's a bit chilly today. I go down stairs to see them glaring at each other.

"Oi, quite that will you?" I say

They turn to face me. I have my volleyball bag in hand and my phone in the other.

The King! (KageyamaxReader!)Where stories live. Discover now