Cleaning Up

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(HAHAHAH IM BACK BITCHES. Jkjk. It's been FOREVER since I've updated. But I just got some inspo and now I'm kinda excited to write this chapter. Anywho... enjoy!)

Y/n, do you want to work on the tree house today?
Yeah! I'll invite the others!
I'll be over in 10.

I get up out of bed and get dressed. I decide that short overalls and a plain black tee was best. I put my (h/c) hair into pig tails that lay loosely on my shoulders.
(Srry if ur hair isn't long enough, but my hair is a pixie sooo i feel ur pain)
"Y/n! Kageyama-kun is here!"
Jeez already? I took that long? I think to myself
I hear footsteps coming close to my room. Kageyama walks in.
"Hi, Tobioooooo!"
I run over to him and bring him into a hug.
"Y/n, I have something to ask."
"Sure, what is it?"
He sits me down on my bed, and sits beside me.
"Since... we've kissed before... and done some other things..." he trailed off
"Can we be... boyfriend and girlfriend?"
I smile.
"Of course, you big dummy."
I kiss his cheek and he reddened.
"You ready for this project, Tobio?" I change the subject
He nods and I stand up. He grabs my hand. I look down at him in confusion.
He pulled me down and pecked me on the lips. I'm surprised by this action and my eyes widen. He pulls away and averts his eyes to the floor. I giggle and pat his head.
"Don't be embarrassed. I thought it was cute, To-bi-oooooooo!"
His face reddens more than ever and he covers it with his hand. I smile and pull him up to his feet.
"Up you go!"
He looks down at me. His hand comes up to cup my cheek. He leans down, eyes half closed, and face flushed. And then-
"E-EH??? KAGEYAMA?! Y/N?!"
We whip our heads over to the voice.
"Hinata!" I squeak
"W-were you guys about to k-k-k-kiss?!"
"YEAH HINATA, BUT YOU RUINED THE MOMENT, DUMBASS!" Kageyama stormed over to him
I sigh and cross my arms.
"Okay you two, let's get started!" I interrupt their bickering
"Just one second."
Kageyama shoved Hinata back into the hall way and slammed the door closed, locking it in the process. He stomps back over to me and grabs my face. He smashed his lips to mine, angrily forcing his tongue into my mouth. I moan slightly at the feeling and practically melt in his touch. He pulled away, a string of saliva connecting our mouths. Both of us gasping for air.
"Okay, I get it, Tobio. I'll come over tonight."
"H-how'd you know?!"
"I just know."
"Well good, now I don't have to ask."
"Mmm, yeah... you're easy to read."
I wrap my arms around his neck. I peck his nose and stare into his brilliant dark blue eyes. I let go and head out of my bedroom door.
"Sorry about that, Hinata!"
Kageyama trails behind us as we walk down the hallway. We soon make it down the stairs and Tsukkishima, Yamaguchi, and Yachi were all in the living room.
"Hey guys!" I wave at them
They all say their hellos.
"Let's get started-... Yachi, why are you wearing sandals?" I ask
"Well, I thought maybe we were just cleaning today..."
"Oi." I grab her wrist and bring her up to my room
"What shoe size do you wear?"
She tells me her shoe size, and luckily that's my mother's size.
"Wait here, I'll go get you some better shoes."
I jog to my parents' room.
"Mom! Hitoka-chan is gonna borrow some shoes!"
"Alright, Hun."
I grab a pair of sneakers and run back to my room. I grab a pair of unused socks and give them to her.
"T-thank you...!"
We all climb inside the tree house and look around.
"This sure is dusty!" Hinata comments
"No duh, Hinata." Kageyama replies
We start sweeping, dusting, and cleaning the space. After about an hour, we finished.
"Let's get all this old stuff outa here." I say
We start throwing out the old carpet, furniture, and other things in the garbage. Me and Hinata were taking out an old table when he said something that surprised me.
"Y/n, you and Kageyama are dating, right?"
"Huh? Oh yeah, why?"
"Because I thought you guys were just friends..."
"Well I mean, he spends so much time thinking about you that he doesn't focus in volleyball as much."
"How do you know that?"
"He told me himself."
My cheeks immediately flushed.
"Thank you for telling me that, Hinata."
"Y-yeah! I just wanted to tell you that so you can tell him to focus more."
I flick his forehead and giggle.
"You're not in the right to talk!"
We laughed as we finished with the table.
"Jealous eh, Kageyama?"
"What, you've been staring at them for a while now."
"Well, Y/n does seem to dote on that shrimp." Kageyama mumbles
"Maybe it's because she has a good friendship with him."
This was a different side of Tsukishima Kei. He wasn't being snarky for once.
"Ne, Yamaguchi." Yachi called
"Hmm?" He hummed
"Is Tsukkishima being nice for once?"
"Hmm? Oh, he's just indirectly teasing Kageyama-kun."
They giggled to themselves as they watched the two tall males look out the window together.
Me and Hinata walk back to the tree house. Once we make it back inside we look around.
"So, how should we paint the walls?"
"White or grey."
"Kageyama, let's go pick up some paint." He nods and we head out
I grab my house keys and we walk to the store. I skip in front of him and his hands were in his pockets. I hum to myself.
"Hey, Y/n."
He grabs my hand and I stop in my tracks. He looks down, his ears red.
"What is it?"
"H-hold my hand..."
I smile and blush. I let go of his hand and back up beside him. He pouted. I smile and interlock our fingers together.
"Better?" I ask
I smile and we keep walking. I swing our arms as we go, and we soon make it to the store.
"We're back!"
We climb into the house and the others look up from their phones.
"Finally." Tsukkishima clicks
I roll my eyes and set the bag of supplies down. Hinata crouches beside me to look into the bag. Kageyama sighs and walks over to Yachi.
"Oi, Y/n." He whispers
"Kageyama seems to be on edge, doesn't he?"
"No, I don't think so, or I haven't noticed."
"Mmm okay."
We start to set up the painting stuff and begin to paint the walls.

(Okay okay next chapter will be up soon I promise)

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