Good Morning

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We walk to my house together and we catch up. He's changed a lot. He is nothing like the Kageyama I knew back then.

"Woah, you got your house back?"

"Yeah, how lucky, right?"

He smiles and I laugh. Soon we arrive at my front door and we stay there for a second.

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yep!" I say smiling

"Hey, (y/n)?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I missed you."

"Well when I said goodbye, you didn't sound very sad!"

"Well we were in the third grade! I didn't get sad until I realized you were actually gone."

"Oh, Tobio. You are still the dummy I know."


"Haha...okay, I gotta go."


I punch him in the arm as a good bye and go inside.

"Oh, hey (y/n).

"Hey, (b/n)."

"Who was that?"


"Oh, so he is at Kurasuno."

"Yup. Found out today."

"That's great!"

"Yep. Well I'm gonna go take a shower, I'll be out in a bit." I say going upstairs


I get out of the shower, and change into my clothes from the night before. I walk out drying my hair. I go over to check my phone. A notification from an old friend back at my old school. I open it and they're just texting to check up on me. I smile and reply that I'm okay and I found an old friend. I set my phone to charge and go downstairs. 

"Oh, (y/n), I made dinner!"

"Thanks." I say going into the kitchen

I sit down at the table and greet my parents. We eat together until we finish. I get up and start washing dishes.

"Thank you, (y/n)."

"Yeah, no problem, mom." I say as she kisses my cheek

After I'm done I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After that I head to my room to go to bed. I stretch my arms up and yawn. I crawl into my bed. It. Is. HOT. I throw my covers off and finally fall asleep. I wake up the next day and rub my eyes. I get up and change into uniform. I walk down stairs to greet my mom.

"(y/n), hun, there is someone at the door. Can you get it?"

"Yeah, of course."

I walk over to the door and open it.

"Good morning, (y/n)!"


"I thought I'd come walk you to school!"

"I'm not ready yet..."

"Okay, I'll wait."

"Uh-... do you wanna come inside?"I say scratching the back of my neck

"I'm sure it won't take you long, so I'll wait out here!"

"Okay, I'll hurry so that you don't have to wait." I say closing the door and rushing back to my room to grab my bag.

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