The Bath House

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It was soon after the day of practices and games that the coaches let us go to the bath house. It wasn't typical, but it was a bath house for sure. I went over to a locker and changed into a towel. My hair was up in a messy bun with stray hair strands coming out.

"Oi, (y/n)."

"Hmm?" I look up

It was Kageyama. He had a towel around his waist and his torso was bare, showing his toned muscles. I blush unconsciously.

"C-can you do the t-thing?"

"H-huh? What thing?"

"My shoulders are hurting again."

I smile as I see red flare his cheeks and I grab his hand.

"Of course, stupid."

I lead him to a private room and locked the door behind me.

"Kage-kun, can you set the bath?"


I already had the bag of bath stuff that I was gonna use. Kageyama made the bath warm and high.

"The bath's ready."

"Okay!" I smile setting the bottles on the edge

"Oi, boke."

"I'm not-!"

I turned around and Kageyama was already in the water, the towel that was once tied around his waist, now on the floor. My breathe hitches and my face warms. There is no way he-

"What are you standing around for?"

"S-sorry!" I say turning away

"D-don't look..."

"Tsk, sorry."

I take my towel off and hang it up. I swallow hard and make my way into the bath. I cover my chest with my arms and bring my knees up. I was about six or seven feet away from him. His arms rested on the sides, showing of his toned chest. His face is red as well. We sit there in silence.




"(y/n)... I'm scared."


"I'm scared I'm gonna lose you..."

"You're not gonna lose me, Kageyama."

"How are you so sure?" I see tears forming in his eyes

"Because, I'm gonna make sure of it."

By this time I'm sitting next to him, my hand wiping his tears away and the other holding his hands. He sobbed and I just held his face. He held my hand on his face. He pressed his forehead to mine and big tears fell into the water.

"Tobio, it's okay. I'm here, I'm not gonna leave you."

He sniffed and hiccuped. He bit his lip to keep from sobbing even more. He looked up at me with sad eyes. I ran my hand through his damp hair and it got slicked back. He mumbled something under his breath that I couldn't understand.




After that moment I wash his hair and massage his shoulders. He let out groans of pain when I went over sensitive points. I soon realized that I started to have feelings for my best friend. So I embraced it and kissed his shoulders when ever he winced in pain. The tips of his ears were pink and I could feel him shudder under my kisses.

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