Honey Lavender

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"Wash my hair?"


I step in the shower and grab the bottle of honey lavender shampoo. My breath hitches at the cold water. Or what felt cold.

"S-sorry..." I say


"The water's a bit cold for my liking."

"Oh. You can make it warmer..."

"T-thanks, Tobio."

I turn the faucet and it starts warming up. I let out a breath of relief. I wet my hair and close my eyes. I could feel him staring. I hurry up and turn to face him. His eyes were glued on my figure.


"N-nothing..." he looks away blushing

I put a puddle of shampoo in my palm and start washing his hair. His eyes close. He's sitting down so I can wash his hair properly.

 He's sitting down so I can wash his hair properly

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After I wash his hair I step out and start running the bath. I didn't want it to be awkward so after the tub was filled I climbed and submerged myself in the warm water.

"Why's you leave?"

"I-...I got awkward..."

"It wasn't awkward. It was warm..."

My face started to heat up.

"W-where older now... don't you think it's wrong to shower together?"

I hear the shower turn off and he steppe out. He walked over to were I was chin deep in the water and knelt by the tub. His big hand met the top of my head.

"No... I don't..." he said softly

Then he got up and slid into the tub opposite of me.

"W-what are you d-doing?!" I say sitting up

"Chill out." he said calmly

My face reddened at the sight of him. I knew I was already a shade of pink but he just made me a shade of red. His eyes glistened in the dim light of the bathroom.

"I needed you back then..."


"My team... they abandoned me... and I felt alone. Like no one could pick me up and bring me to the light."


"Then... when I came to Kurasuno... I met the team. I feel alive again.." his voice started to break and big tears rolled down his cheeks

My body reacts swiftly and I move closer to him. I wipe away his tears, though they kept rolling.

"Kageyama... I'm sorry..."

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