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Soon we finished painting the walls white and it started to get late. Hinata walks Yachi home and Yamaguchi and Tsukkishima take their leave.
No answer.
Still no answer.
"Answer meeee!"
He turns away from me. I was trying to pack overnight clothes for his house. And for some reason he kept ignoring me when I kept trying to talk to him. I sigh and decide not to bother him. I finish packing and grab my phone and charger and stuff them into my jacket pocket. We walk to his house in silence. Which was pretty awkward for me. We make it to his house a few minutes later. Luckily his parents were out for the weekend. He storms off to his room and I heard it slam, making me jump. I sigh and sot on the couch. I sit back and look up at the ceiling.
"Why is he being so.. ugh!"
I put my hands over my face and kick my feet in frustration.
"What did I do? Is he mad at me?" I wonder outloud
I pull my hair from the back of my neck and rest it over my shoulders. I decide to get up and check on Tobio. I knock on the door.
"T-tobio... did I-i... do something to make you m-mad?"
The door cracked open and he narrowed his eyes at me. My heart started to break a little at his glare. My eyes stung with tears. His eyes widen and he swings the door open.
He brings me into a tight embrace. My tears finally roll down my cheeks and I sob into his chest.
"I'm sorry, Y/n..."
I sniffle and look up at him, tears clinging to my lashes. He wipes my tears with his thumb and kisses my forehead.
"Do you want to shower with me?"
"I don't have a bathing suite, though..."
"It's alright, I mean... we are dating, after all."
My heart leapt into my throat. I swallow it back down and tighten my grip around him.
"A-are you sure?"
"Of course."
"O-okay... I'll go get my stuff..."
I scurry down to the living room and grab some clothes and underwear. I get to his room as he gets his own change of clothes.
I nod and he grabs my hand. We walk into his bathroom and he starts the shower.
"C-can you make it hot?"
He nods and turns the knob. He stands back up and walks over to me. His hands rest on my hips and puts his forehead to mine.
"I'm sorry Y/n."
"Why were you so mad for?"
"I was jealous."
"What? About what?"
"You and Hinata."
I snort. I burst out laughing.
"Hinata is like a brother to me!"
"But he always steals your attention!"
I stop laughing and look back into his eyes.
"Oh Tobio. You moron."
He rolls his eyes. I peck him on the lips.
"We should probably shower now."
He starts to strip of his clothes and I freeze. He looks back at me, now in only his boxers.
"You okay?"
"Y-yeah..." I gulp.
He slipped off his boxers and went inside the shower. I began to pull off my shirt. I could feel him staring at me from behind. I strip off the rest and step inside the shower hesitantly.
"Damn... look at you..."
My cheeks flushed and I avert my eyes to the wall.
"D-don't stare! It's embarrassing..."
He leans in next to me and whispers.
"How could I not stare... you're so gorgeous..."
I blush and cover my face with my hands. He pit his hands on my hips and leaned down to kiss me. I wrap my arms around his neck immediately and go in tip toes so he doesn't have to lean down. He smiles and peppers my face in kisses.
"Hehe! Tobio! That ti-hahah!"
He continued to kiss my cheeks. Soon he started to slow down and pull away.
"H-hey... why'd you stop?"
He looked into my eyes and all I could see was pure lust. His lids half closed, his cheeks flushed, his posture loosened.
"T-tobio? Are you okay?"
He leaned closer to my face and I could feel his breath on my lips.
"Y/n... I need you..."
I blinked. Then my face reddened even more.
"T-tobio! We've only just started d-dating!"
He stands back up.
"We don't have to do anything if you aren't comfortable."
I look down at the floor. I feel a warm hand tuck loose strands of my hair behind my ear.
"It's okay Y/n. I can wait..."
I look back up into his eyes. His expression was loving and soft. The total opposite of his usual frown.
"Thank you, Tobio."
He nods and kissed my forehead. He finished washing his hair and stepped out of the shower, drying himself off. I finished soon after and turned the shower off. I stepped out of the shower and grabbed my towel.
"I'm sorry..."
He looked back at me and frowned.
"Don't be."
He walked over to me and rest his hands on my hips.
"It's my fault. I shouldn't have said anything."
He kissed my forehead. I smiled up at him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I set my lips onto his and kissed him.
He whined
I answered in a mocking tone
He opened his arms and motioned for me to sit in his lap. I smile and sit down on his legs, wrapping my arms around him. He let out a low sigh of content and squeezed me tighter.
"Mnnn!" I squeaked
"Was it too tight?"
He asked
I shake my head and smile.
He pulled me closer so that out chests touched.
"I want kisses!"
He laughed and brought me into a sweet kiss. I closed my eyes and moved in sync with him.

We sat on my bed together and snuggled into each other. It's been a few days since the shower incident and it hasn't been awkward.  All I wanted was to make out with him. I know it seems weird just to want it, but I mean...

I brought him into a kiss again. He smiled into it and I pulled away.
I stick out my tongue and smirked.
"I dunno, you tell me."
I teased
He raised a eyebrow.
"I don't know, Y/n."
I tolled my eyes and smashed my lips against his. He gasped and I slid my tongue into his cavity. He let out a low grunt. We fight for dominance, and he ends up winning. His hands go up my shirt and he grazed my skin with his fingertips. I wrap my arms around his neck and play with his hair behind his head. We pull away for air, just for a second, and then go back to making out. He pulled away and started kissing down my neck. I let out small moans as he did so. He pulled off my shirt to gain access to my chest. He attacked my bare skin and grabbed my hips. He bit down on my lower neck, causing a pleasured whimper slip through my lips. He kissed his mark and licked it to help ease the pain. He looked back to me and smiled.
"Now people will know you're not for grabs."
I giggled and puled him back into the sweet kiss we'd shared moments ago.

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