A Crow In My Bed

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I woke up in the middle of the night and felt another person in my bed next to me.


"Mmm... lemme sleep..."

"Oh I'm sorry I woke you up."


His back was facing me and he was on top of the covers. He must be cold.

"Hey, come on. Get in the covers."

He sleepily moved into the covers and opened his eyes slightly to look at me. 

"Hey sleepy head." I smile



He pulled me into his chest. His hands went up my hoodie and onto my back.

"T-tobio! Your hands are cold...!"

"I know. And you're warm. So I'm warming up my hands."

"I-I'm not wearing a bra!"

"Even better."

My face reddened and his hands rubbed my back. He kissed my neck and I giggled. 

"What are you doing, Tobio?"

"Giving you my affection."

"You're adorable."

"No, you are."

I giggle as he kisses my cheeks. I flip over and sit on top of him. He let's out a little sigh. I smile and he blushes red. His hands are on my bottom and my hands are on his chest. I lean down to his face. I kiss his nose. I pull back, but then he grabs my face and smashes his lips to mine. I melt onto it letting him take over. His tongue slipped into my mouth. His hands went farther up my hoodie and he started kissing my neck. He started licking and sucking on my skin. Causing me to whimper.

"You like that?"

I bite my lip and he goes back to kissing me.

"Alright, come on. We gotta sleep."

"Aw, (y/n)...!"

"Sorry, sleepy-yama. You need to sleep or you'll be tired later."


His hands wrapped around my middle and he pressed his front to my back. He nuzzled his face in my neck and his hands went up to my chest. He caressed my chest until he fell asleep. Soon after I fall asleep too.  


I wake up the next morning to voices in the hall. I was alone in my bed and I open my eyes. I start to sit up.

"Shit! She's awake, go!"

I look over at the door with my eyes slightly open and I see the last flash of someone running away. I yawn and rub my eyes to try and wake up better. I stretch my arms up and I get out of the bed. I go over to my closet and grab a bra and a pair of shorts. I quickly put them on and pull my hair into a loose bun. I put on a pair of steel framed glasses (like Oikawa's) and I walk down to the main room. I see that the pillows are folded and are put neatly on the couch with the pillows. 

"Where are the guys?" I say out loud

I walk around the living room. I see their bags are still here so I assume they're somewhere in the house. 

"Hinata! Yamaguchi? Tsukkishima! Kageyama?" I call out

I hear faint giggling throughout the house. I roll my eyes and decide to sit on the couch.

"Where would they have hidden?" I think

I get up and start looking through the house. I find Hinata stuffed in a closet.

"Hinata? What are you guys doing?"

"Hide 'n Seek! And you're the seeker!"

"You're all little kids."

"Hey! I'm in high school too you know!"

"Yes I know. Now help me find the others."

We search through the house. Yamaguchi was hiding in the bathroom shower. Tsukkishima wasn't even trying to hide, he just sat in my brother's old bed on his phone. Ok, three down, one more to go. I decide the best way to find him is:

"Go, Go...!"

"GO GO GO SEIHJO!" the two smaller boys said in unison

"Really." I say agitated

"Heh, sorry."

It then comes to me were Kageyama is. He always hid there when we were little. 

"Okay, stay here. I'll be back."

I run down the stairs to the back yard. I see the tall tree that held the big tree house our dad's built for us. I climb up the ladder and open the hatch. Sure enough he was there. 

"I found you!"

"After all this time it's still here."

"Yep!" I smile climbing into the house

"Man this place needs to be cleaned up." I add once I'm inside

"Yeah, it's pretty beat up."

"Let's make this back into a hangout, like it used to be."

"Yeah, let's do it."

"Obviously, we should get the others to help."

"Yeah, of course!"


We head back into the house where the boys wait.

"I found him!" I smile

"Finally."  Tsukkishima clicked his tongue

The boys started to pack their stuff and clean up the area's we had dirtied up with out food and blankets. Afterwards the boys thanked me for letting them stay the night. I wave them goodbye and my parents come down from their room.

"Why was there so much noise?" my mom asks

"Sorry, the boys decided to play hide n seek."

"Did they just leave?"

"Yeah, they helped clean up too."

"Ah, that's nice of them."

"Oh shoot, neither of you have met them have you?"

"No, I don't think we have..." my mom trailed off

I smile. 

"You'll meet them later, we're gonna fix the old tree house up!"

"Sounds like fun, (y/n)." my dad said

I nod my head and gleam.

(Hullo! It ya boi. FRENCH KUROO. I'm so sorry this chapter was so short . I have writers lock for this story atm, so I gotta go find some inspo. OKIEDOKIE HOPE YOU LIKED THIS PEICE OF CRAP WRITING. Tokyo, out!)

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