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Chapter Nineteen
• With Myself •

t h i r d  &  f i r s t  p e r s o n  p o v
a n g e l a  p e r e g r i n e

Do you really love him?

I once read a book on romance.

I remember one specific line saying, "Love has grown when one can't bear the feeling of being without the other. If one continues to long for the other's company, and when one is willing to give up even the hardest things for the other."

At the time, I said this was bullshit.

It's uncanny and cringey.

I, who chose to not believe in people. I who shut others out.

I have fallen in love.

I don't know where and when it began.

Maybe at the time, I was with him when he was being tried.

No matter how illegal and cruel, I actually felt like I wanted to hurt people.

It was the true first time I felt anger.

For the judge, for the prosecutor, for the defense attorney, and for the witnesses.

Why? Why lie about the truth?

Does the effect really not matter to them?

Why would it?

But at that time, he was helpless.

And I was angry at him for being stupid. I don't know why I just was.

I wanted to hit him. Punch him or kick him, just any way I could wake him up from his idea of ruining himself.

I saw stupidity in my boss whom I thought highly of.

Who the heck confesses to a crime he didn't commit? What kind of logic does this guy follow?

But that day, the biggest question I asked myself was, "Why do you care? Who are you to him?"

And I was back again to being a mere secretary of his.

Then it happened a few more times.

My heart began to flutter every time I was with him.

I started caring for him more than I should.

I don't know what it is that attracted me about him, I really don't.

Then that time he consoled me, the time I needed someone the most.

He was like a new person.

And I loved him the same way.

And She Loved Me. ||  Miles Edgeworth x OC (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now