Chapter 9: The 3rd Incident

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Ryder and Katie are now outside the lookout, waiting for Marshall to tell them how Zuma was.

Katie: How is he?

Marshall: Well, He is now completely fine, he was just overheated, but it could have been much worse, I wonder who tried to kill him?

Ryder knew that Marshall was one of his Suspicions, but he didn’t want to tell him, because he knew that would make Marshall upset.

Ryder: Well, I’m glad he’s okay. (A little bit concerned looking)

Marshall saw Ryder’s concerned face.

Marshall: Are you Okay Ryder?

Ryder: Yes, I am fine Marshall, Thanks for asking.

A Few Days Later…

Days have passed since the last 2 Incidents, and Katie had secretly been spying on all of the Pups for Days, but nothing Suspicious came up, but Katie knew that she couldn’t let hear Guard down, because if she did, another Incident could happen at any time. 

And one day, Marshall, Rubble, and Chase were out with Ryder for a Mission, and it was going well, and they finished the Rescue mission, which was Rescuing Alex and Mr. Porter from being lost in a Huge Maze.

Mr.Porter: Thanks for saving us Ryder!

Ryder: No Problem, and if you ever get lost in a Giant Maze, just yelp for help.

But as Ryder and the PAW Patrol Pups were driving their Vehicles back to the Lookout, something very strange happened…

All of a Sudden, their Vehicles started making Funny Noises…

And then, their vehicles spun out of control, and Ryder crashed into a Tree, luckily, Rubble got out of his Vehicle and his Vehicle fell into the Bay, Chase’s Vehicle flipped over and over, and Marshall’s Vehicle crashed onto a Rock, and sent Marshall head first onto the Rock, Both Chase and Marshall were seriously Injured.

Ryder: Oh, No! Chase, Marshall, Are you 2 ok?

Chase and Marshall didn’t respond, Chase had a lot of bruises around his body, and may have had a few broken ribs, and the way Marshall hit his head against the Rock, may have broken his head.

Rubble: I’ll call the Ambulance!

Ryder: And I’ll call to the other Pups.

Katie also saw the whole thing unfold from a distance away, and immediately came to assist the Injured Pups.


Back at the Lookout…

?: (To Himself or Herself): Ha, I hope what I did finally gotten Rid of Ryder and those 3 other Pups! (Evil Laughing)

The other Pups at the Lookout then got a call on the Screen, it was from Ryder.

Tracker: Hey Ryder, Do you need any of us?

Ryder: Actually, I Need all of you to come to the Hospital at once!

Everest: Why?

Ryder then showed the Scene to the Pups, as Chase and Marshall, Who were out Cold and Badly Injured, being loaded up into the Ambulance, and that Moment, Skye and Everest’s Hearts sank to the Bottom of their Stomach.

Skye and Everest: No!!!

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