Chapter 20: The Rescuing

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Meanwhile, Rocky was pacing back and forth as Skye was watching him, then Rocky took off the Duct Tape off of Skye.

Rocky: Are you scared yet? Because you seem very scared.

Skye: Actually, I am not, I just feel sorry for you.

Rocky was confused by the answer Skye gave him.

Rocky: Are you kidding me? You are completely tied up, and yet you feel sorry for me? Are you crazy?

Skye: No, because I know how the story is going to end.

Rocky: Oh, you do? 

Skye: Yes, and it will not be my death.

Rocky: No, it won’t, it will end in the death of your Lover, Chase, and Ryder then would have to make me the Leader!

Skye: No, because in the story, the only one going to hell, is you!

Rocky: Quiet you! 

Rocky then put back the Duct Tape on Skye’s Mouth, and he slapped Skye across her face with his Revolver, and spit in her face.

Rocky: The Story is going to end my way!


A few minutes have passed, and now, Ryder and Katie arrived at the Garage that Rocky was holding Skye, and a minute later, The Pups, Jake and Carlos arrived also, and the Whole group headed towards the Garage, and then when they headed inside, they saw Rocky, with a Revolver still in his claw, and Skye on the Poll, tied up.

Rocky: Well…, I can’t say that you all are welcome here, so, what is your decision, Will I be the Leader?

Ryder looked at Rocky straight into the eyes.

Ryder: No!

Rocky, and the Whole Group were shocked how Ryder confidently told him that in his face.

Ryder: Here is what’s going to happen…, I am going to take away your Revolver, and then Chase is going to Free Skye, and I will Finish you!

Rocky: Bring it on Ryder!

Rocky pointed his Revolver at Ryder, but he couldn’t shoot his Owner and Leader, and something inside him was holding him back, then, Ryder took away the Revolver from Rocky’s Claw, and pointed it at his Face, then, Chase untied Skye from the Pole, and Skye embraced her Crush in a Hug.

Chase: I’m so glad you’re alright!

Skye: Thanks for rescuing me!

Meanwhile, Ryder was still pointing the Revolver on Rocky’s head, and Rocky was frozen still in fear, Ryder then slapped Rocky hard on the Face with the Revolver, knocking him out, Ryder then pointed the Revolver again at Rocky, Ryder was about to shoot him and Finish him off, but Ryder hesitated, Ryder couldn’t do this to one of his Pups, and he cared for Rocky, and Ryder dropped his Revolver to the Ground, sparing Rocky’s Life, as tears were falling down Ryder’s Face.

Ryder: Let’s call the Police. (Still Teary Eyed)

Ryder then walked with the Whole Group to go outside the Garage, and Call the Police, to take Rocky away…

But little did Ryder know, that Rocky, was Just pretending to be Unconscious, Rocky then picked up the Revolver that was on the Ground with his claw, and he pointed it at Chase…

Ryder saw what Rocky was going to do, and Ryder jumped in front of Chase in the air, as Rocky shot his Revolver, and the Bullet hit Ryder, not Chase…

Chase screamed when he saw his owner shot.

Chase: Ryder!!

Ryder was frozen, and his breathing was quickly running out, Ryder knew he couldn’t make it, Ryder then mustered just enough energy, to take one last look at everyone and Rocky, Ryder gave Rocky a Pitiful and Disappointed Look, and then, Ryder fell to the Ground, Dead.

Katie: Ryder!! No!!!

Chase was licking his Owner’s Face, and all of the Pups, Jake and Carlos were crying, but the one who was crying the most, was Katie, she always had a crush on Ryder, and after this situation was going to be over, she was going to admit her feelings for him, but now she knew, that it was too late, and she missed her chance, and she was sobbing Heavily while touching and holding Ryder’s head, and all of the Pups started mourning for their Fallen Leader…

And Rocky was deeply ashamed of what he had done, he had just killed his Owner and Caretaker, Rocky couldn’t stand the Pain off killing Ryder, and Rocky pointed the Revolver at his Head, ready to kill himself, but Skye took away the Revolver from Rocky’s Claw, and stopped him, and tackled him.

Skye: You Bastard! You killed Our Owner, YOUR Owner! You killed the Person who really cared about you, and you are going to live with that Guilt and Regret for the Rest of your Life!

Rocky then started Crying and sobbing heavily as well, but he knew, that it was too late to change his mind, he killed his Owner, and he was going to Jail for the Rest of his Life.

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