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        Thunder streaked across the wind battered skies. Storm clouds flew in overhead, its lighting striking down at a rock that towered high above the clearing. A flame lit, engulfing the bracken around the camp, uncovering a sleek black cat who had been hiding with in them. Her blue eyes lit ablaze and she bounded out of her hiding spot. "Mouse-Dung. That traitor will pay if its the last thing I do to that dung-smudged, mangled-pelt, lazy tom."

        She trekked up the rock with flames flickering around it, its amber light making her pelt gleam. She flickered her tail, turning her head to look inside the den. Her gaze raged with anger, watching a pale grey tabby tom resting inside, stirring around in his den with every roar of thunder. She unsheathed her claws, jagged and chipped by time, and staggered towards him, hissing in furry.

        "How dare you! You wouldn't have this great of a clan without me!"

        The tom gasped and hurled himself at the night-black she-cat raking his claws across the left of her head leaving a twisted gouge pouring out streams of deep crimson. "Bonewhisker! I exiled you, you tried taking my warriors, you hunted on my territory, and now you have the nerve to come here and face me?!" He tackled the she-cat pining her by her neck as she spat,"Rimestar! Your a fool for doing that. Now you're going to pay!"

        She kicked him off, digging her claws deeply into his soft belly. He crashed into the rocky walls of the den, falling down motionless. He tried to stand up but couldn't find the strength to do so. Bonewhisker. She rammed into him with her claws dragging across his shoulders, wrapping her herself behind him she then drove her fangs, sharp and as strong as stone, viciously into the back of his neck. He yowled, trying to shake her off she bit down harder. He dropped.

        She released the tom, blood coned her muzzle as she padded away. The threshold of the engraved den was blocked by a silver tabby tom, his eyes flooded with shock. "Rimestar...?" He paused staring at the she-cat,"Bonewhisker, I'm not letting you get away with this!" He boldly flung himself at the savage cat, but she countered it with a claw flash across his eyes. He stepped back, then she struck his neck with her claws. He toppled over. "That should show you not to mess with the now leader of Rime Clan. Or better yet, my own clan, Oblivion Clan." She leaped down from the mouth of the den and yowled,"Everyone! There's a fire! Jaystone tried to kill Rimestar! He did, yet I killed him! Everyone move out! I shall lead you know for I was once deputy."

        That was a tale I was told many times as a kit. The lies they were all told. This would be the downfall of the clan.

        "Snakestar! No!" I darted past the countless trees. I could feel my heart pounding, my right leg nearly giving in and snapping, the blood roaring in my ears. I skidded to a halt, glancing into the clearing. Snakestar was trapped by a badger, large and violent. Turning to my left, I could see Echostar, Reedfeather, and Lionclaw leaping towards the badger, raking its back with their claws. The badger just kept moving towards Snakestar.

        All I remember was a blur, their voices drowned in my mind, the prophecy rang in my ears, nearly blocked out by the blood racing. A spider can mend it. This was it. I stood there, watching a starry jet-black warrior launch at the badger, his attacks didn't effect it in the least bit. I saw my apprentice, her face slashed by its heinous claws. I yowled a blur, without thinking I leaped at the beast, I felt my leg splinter as it crashed into its thick pelt. I fell. My right leg had broken, the bits of wood had punctured its back and it turned round.

        I felt it lash its claws across my face. That second, I saw myself back in the nursery with Frostpebble and Ravenkit. I slided across the forest floor darted with leaves. I picked myself up. This was it. I looked up, the badger was roaring gritting its fangs, Snakestar panting with fresh wounds, Reedfeather racing behind it. I lashed out a claw, I had just skimmed its muzzle missing. Without a sound it snapped its jaws around my shoulder, flinging me across the clearing.

        I crashed next to a tree. I pictured myself next to Ravenswoop, next to him just sitting by the river just like we had many seasons ago. This was it. My mind was blocked of all sounds, just blurs of what was yowls and faint voices. Before I could open my eyes, I felt the badger picking me up by my cracked leg. I kicked it hard it its face, the wood snapped more as it dug right into its eye. It cried, lashing its claws at me once more, sending me towards a tree. There I lied, wounded, elderly, and broken. That was it. I saw myself on a herb gathering patrol with Snakestar, Ravenswoop, and Flamestar. I smelled Ravenswoop's scent for the first time in seasons. I felt the soft moss under my blistered paws, they were healed and all there as if I was a kit. I could taste catmint in my mouth, and the prophecy rang in my ears. I've tried. They have been nursed, trusted, and loved. I will join you all soon, Ravenswoop. I heard the crunching of leaves, Reedfeather's and Snakestar's voices, crying. I gave in with the dizzy darkness. That was it.

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