Chapter 5

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        "Glad to see that your finally awake, Spiderkit," Flarepaw mewed, his voice was muffled over his fur while he was cleaning it. I opened my eyes, it was mid day now, clouds danced in the sky without a care in the world while clan members ate prey and talked outside. I weakly shuffled over and turned to Flarepaw still weary from the monster.

        "Huh..." I groaned, feeling sudden pain from the remaining part of my leg. The whole right heel was cut off, and I only had a mouse length of my once graceful tail too. It was a struggle to look at Flarepaw even after I turned around, he looked badly wounded.  There were days old wounds across his muzzle, across his right eye, running down his right shoulder onto his back and even deep slits on his flank.

        "You were resting for two days now," Flarepaw paused glancing around the den,"three sun rises and two sun falls." I tried to listen to him, I was still drained from the monster however. My eyes felt as if they were going to fall back down, covering my eyes and letting back to sleep. Yet I forced myself to listen. "After you left camp, Toadkit followed you. We sent out three patrols, one towards the twoleg place, one towards Ocean Clan territory, and one towards Sapphire Clan territory to look for help.  Toadkit was taken by a falcon around Ocean Clan territory, after that me, Nightpaw, Parrotclaw, and Orangefur were attacked by a boarder patrol. Parrotclaw's left eye was badly wounded, Oragnefur died after blood loss, and I was left fighting off the deputy of the clan.   Nightpaw had ran off, he said he was going to get help."

        Toadkit is dead?! Why did he try to 'follow' me, he was only a day old! And Oragnefur, he's dead now too. Good Star Clan help us! "Why did Toadkit run...? Is anyone else hurt?" I managed to mew. Please let there be no one else hurt! Flarepaw shrugged and mewed,"Clawjaw slipped into the river that they had to cross to get into Sapphire Clan, Spottedstar of Sapphire Clan says that they found him dead at the gathering yesterday. And when the patrol finally got to their camp, they didn't see nor scent any Oblivion Clan cats."

        Three cats dead all because of a game. Me and Nightpaw could be dead too for crossing the path! Why didn't I stop running? Toadkit might still be alive if I had. "On the other side, Nightpaw is now a warrior, Nightstorm. He became one the day you ran off." Flarepaw finished. Hours must have past since he last talked after that, the sun seemed to be falling into the bulb covered trees surrounding the camp.

        Later that day, Blade and Bonestar padded into the den. "So, we have a new member in camp now? Whats her name?" the elderly grey she-cat asked. "Waterpebble is her name, we found her by the twoleg place. She was a kittypet most think, but now we need anyone we can get to keep the clan strong." Bonestar meowed.

        Bonestar was a jet black she-cat, blazing blue eyes and a twisted scar ran down the left of her head. Blade padded towards me, sniffing my 'twoleg cobweb' covered leg. "I think its time to take that thing off, along with that twoleg sign!" Blade purred, looking down at me with kind amber eyes. Bonestar nodded and trotted towards me unsheathing a jagged claw. Eyes wide as an owl's I watched Bonestar claw off my collar. The red twoleg cloth fell onto the stone floor, a golden disc hung from it reading,'Lucky'.

        Bonestar stepped away, sheathing her savage claws. "There, now Flarepaw go burn his this for all I care! We can't be seen with twoleg things in this clan!" She hissed, tossing the collar at his clawed face. The bright tabby tom solemnly nodded, leaning down to pick up the collar and limped away. "Ok Spiderkit, I'm going to remove this stuff so your leg can heal better, the wound needs air," Blade purred biting down on the bumpy 'twoleg cobwebs'. I yowled, it felt like that elderly she-cat was trying to tear off what ever remained of my poor leg.

        Blade spat out a pile of the 'twoleg cobwebs' and purred,"There, now just rest and regain your energy back Spiderkit. Before you know it you'll be all healed!" Bonestar sighed,"She isn't going to magically grow back a leg mouse-brain! She'll most likely be a med cat instead now, might as well start training her." I shrunk back into my nest. I didn't want to be a med cat, I wanted to be a warrior protecting my clan!

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