Chapter 2

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Something had woken me up. I shuffled my paws, and turned around. Frostpebble was sleeping next to me with her tail wrapped around me. Had she finally had enough time to rest here? I shifted back into my nest, not wanting to wake anyone up.

Why had I woken up? Just as I thought that, Bonestar yowled,"I repeat, all cats old enough to catch their own prey meet under the Bold Stone for a clan meeting!" A meeting? Could I go? Frostpebble and the other queens, Birchtail, Mossspots, and Rainpelt, woke up. Mossspots however didn't leave her nest, she was huddling her new three kits Sweetkit, Fishkit, and Toadkit. They were all too small to play with, but if Flamekit was still a kit she would have forced them to wake up and play like she had done with me for sure.

"Mom, can I go to the meeting?" I asked, looking up at my yawning, tawny colored, mother. She just nodded, beckoning me and Grasskit out of the den. Lightkit didn't get to leave the den, Birchtail firmly wrapped her pale ginger tail around her bright organe kin. In the stone clearing, I noticed many cats. Bonestar and her deputy, Parrotclaw, were sitting on the Bold Stone in the middle of the clearing. Parrotclaw's blonde fur was a streak of lightning agaisnt the bright sky.

I noticed Nightpaw, the dark appretince with black stripes on the side of his face and deep blue eyes, standing next to the pure white young warrior, Froststorm. Lionclaw, a newly made warrior was sitting next to his sister Hollyshine, her black pelt next to his ginger tabby pelt made them seem nothing like kin. Flamepaw and Flarepaw were sitting next to their mentors, Redstripe and Clawjaw. Oragnefur, another ginger tom, was sitting next to Whitepetal and their kit, directly under the massive stone. The two elders, Darkcloud and Sorrelspots were talking to the med cat Blade; she was once a rogue I heard that was hit by a monster so the two-legs gave her front paws blades to walk with. Owlpelt and her mate Swiftstripe were sitting next to Acecard, Speckletooth, and Birdfall, the three rude toms of the clan.

Was Grasskit going to become an apprentice? I watched as Bonestar poured out the words. "Grasskit, from now on, until you earn your warrior name by proving your loyal and skills, you shall be known as Grasspaw. Parrotclaw, you are a brave and dauntless warrior of Oblivion clan, I hope you can teach Grasspaw everything you know." The pale yellow tom nodded and leaped down to his new apprentice. Grasspaw's eyes seemed to gleam with joy as she bounded over to Flarepaw, Flamepaw, and Nightpaw.

"Grasspaw! Grasspaw! Grasspaw!" The clan cheered, all eyes locked on the white calico. Soon enough, all the cats left the clearing. Once again, it was just the empty stone hole in the ground. The trees, and their spiky branches, seemed to be growing green buds. What next? Stones with blue and purple spots?

Lightkit must have escaped her mother's grip because after the meeting she dashed right up to me. She was a bright ginger, white paws, and dark blue eyes like Speckletooth. "Hey there Spiderkit! Want to take Sweetkit, Fishkit, and Toadkit to the elders' den to listen to their stories?" Lightkit purred pointing her tail towards Darkcloud and Sorrelspots who were still talking to Blade. I nodded, though I doubted they would have the time to tell stories to the kits. After all, Nightpaw said that would be wasting time.

"Ok! I'll go fetch the kits, you can get the elders to their dens and we can listen to their stories! Or, we can all sneak out of camp and make our own stories! We can hunt, and fight a dog and save the clan and fight off rogues and..." Lightkit rambled on and on, she padded towards Mossspots and left me to go get the elders. I sighed, Lightkit surely didn't think we could run away from camp right? I shook my head, trotting towards the elders as the sun's heat had beaten down on the stone ground and my dark brown tabby pelt. Why did we have to live in a stone covered hole? The sunlight seems to make the floor bake. I thought my pads would burn off by the time I got to the two old cats.

"Hello there little one, I'm guessing your here for a story yes?" Darkcloud mewed turning towards me. I nodded, I must have smiled awkwardly again because then Sorrelspots asked,"Are you ok kit?" I nodded once more and headed towards their den. Blade was inside the rocky walls, she was meddling with some herbs while Flamepaw batted at the moss covered walls. Flamepaw's green eyes lit up and she purred,"Hello there Spiderkit! I thought you didn't like playing nor listening to stories!"

I playfully rolled my eyes,"I thought you didn't like hanging out with old cats." Flamepaw launched at me, we rolled along the stone ground. Sorrelspots stopped us with her paw. "You kits have to be more careful, and Flamepaw get moving Darkcloud is always hungry and without any prey here you can't play with us." I watched as Flamepaw darted out of the den, she was an apprentice now and needed to hunt for the elders.

Just as the ginger apprentice left the room, Lightkit padded in with Sweetkit, Fishkit, and Toadkit following her. This was their first time out of the den, good thing Flamepaw just left or she'll want to play with them too. "Alright kits, settle down and I'll tell you a story!" Darkcloud purred and Sorrelspots budded in,"I thought I was going to tell them a story for once! You always tell the stories brother." Darkcloud chuckled,"Somethings never change, and I thought playing with the apprentices and kits was your territory, so Story-telling is mine.

Sorrelspots stuck out her tongue like a kit and Darkcloud asked,"What kind of story do you want to hear kits?" Toadkit was batting at Sorrelspot's black tail, Fishkit seemed too shy, and Sweetkit had fallen asleep. Darkcloud sighed,"Lightkit, do you want to hear the same story I always tell you? It is your favorite after all." Lightkit nodded, meanwhile I too must have just been doing my own thing because he didn't ask me anything.

"What is the story about?" I meowed.

"Its about how a fire swept through Rime Clan camp! The Bonewhisker-" Lightkit purred, getting cut off by Darkcloud.

"Don't spoil it! I thought I was telling the story little one!" Darkcloud curled his tail, suddenly getting Toadkit to listen.

The brown tom looked at Darkcloud's tail, Fishkit the shiny silver patched kit shuffled forwards and listened, Sweetkit the white and black spotted kit was still sleeping. "Ok, many moons ago, there was once Rime Clan, a peaceful clan." Darkcloud told everyone, meanwhile I was having trouble focusing. Something had been on my mind, yet I wasn't sure what it was. Was it Frostpebble? My unknown father? Nightpaw...? "One day, a fire swept through the clan! On that night, Jaystone had killed Rimestar, their leader, and started the fire!" Darkcloud yowl woke up Sweetkit, her white fur bristled but she then went back to sleep.

Toadkit burst out laughing at his sister, Fishkit just sat there without a word. "Shhh kits! Let him finish the story,"Sorrelspots mewed lashing her tail at Toadkit. "Now now, however, on that same night Bonewhisker had returned to camp and slayed Jaystone, she had saved the clan and lead us to a new camp. She got her nine lives and now leads us, Oblivion Clan. Without her, her bravery, strength, and courage, we would have all died."

"Great story! I love that story so much! Its so real and true, some day I'll be leader!" Toadkit mewed, his pale blue gaze looking at Darkcloud. Lightkit meowed,"Yeah! I told you kits it was an epic story!" Fishkit just sat their without a word. I just padded out of the den. Why was that story so popular? Sure, Bonestar saved everyone, but two cats died that night and she killed one of them!

The sun was scorching the camp. I could see Grasspaw with her mentor, and Nightpaw and Froststorm talking. The dark apprentice shuffled the warrior a mouse. The two of them seemed very found of each other, if Nightpaw wasn't hunting, on a patrol, teasing the kits, hanging out with me, he was sharing food and talking to Froststorm. Suddenly, he turned towards me and left the white warrior.

Nightpaw must have been watching me. The dark grey and black apprentice darted towards me like a flash of clouds. I watched him circle me, like if I was an enemy. Had I gone to his bad side just by listening to the story? "I watched you talking to the elder and the other kits, Spiderkit. I told you that you'd be wasting your time." I questioned,"What do you mean? Why don't you want me to go talk to them? Aren't they part of the clan too?!" Nightpaw sighed. "That story is why."

Huh? What about the story? Did Bonestar never kill the cat? Was it made up? "What about the story...? Was it made up?" I asked, something inside me hopped I was right. That the story wasn't true, that there wasn't a traitor, no Rime Clan, no fire, no killing. "Its Jaystone," Nightpaw paused as if he was stopping to think and make up the words he was about to say,"Jaystone is your father, he is a killer."

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