Chapter 1

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        "When is she going to wake up? I want more friends to play with!" a she-cat wailed.

        "Flamekit, isn't there already a ton of kits in the clan? Plus you have us..." A tom snapped, his voice trailed off.

        I could feel something batting away at my back, too weary to turn and check who it was. Suddenly, something landed on my tail. I kicked back, then I heard something fall. "Hey! -- See she's awake now! We can play with the moss and listen to the elder's stories!" The same kit mewed, I could hear her paw steps skipping around the den.

        "Could you two stop yapping! Yet the kit sleep, she'd just been born a few hours ago, its night now and all the queens and kits are tired, plus you two will soon be apprentices!" A scratchy hiss came from what seemed to be a she-cat? I couldn't tell, so I opened my eyes.

        "Look! See I told you all so! Spiderkit is awake, she's not tired and wants  to play!" a hyper pale ginger she-cat leaped around me, poking my head with her nose and tried lifting me up by my scruffy. In complete panic, I thrashed my head back and leaped away from her without a word. I turned around to the she-cat, she was much bigger than I was, so was the bright ginger tabby tom next to her, his amber eyes looked surprised by the way I reacted. "Ha! That's what you get Flamekit for trying to pick up some-cat!" A young calico darted to me, her eyes were a pretty lime green and her face was speckled in dark browns, gingers, and dark shades.

        "Who are all of you...? Sorry about kicking you... Flamekit?" I awkwardly meowed, staring at all of them as I backed away with a confused smirk on my face. Flamekit leaped up and yowled,"It's ok! I wanted to play fight any way! That's Flarekit, she is Grasskit, thats Whitepetal, Grasskit's mother, and over there in the corner is Lightkit with her mother Birchtail, and there's Rainpelt-she doesn't have any kits yet, oh and there's Rainpelt's sister Mossspots, and Owlpelt and her kits--"

        "Flamekit, I think that's enough talking for now, come over here and rest, leave young Spiderkit alone," a pale ginger she-cat purred, beckoning her tail towards Flarekit and Flamekit. "Alright! Alright! Bye Spiderkit," Flamekit groaned, stopping in the middle of her sentence for a yawn,"I hope you enjoy Oblivion Clan!" I simply nodded my head and watched Flamekit and her brother run to their mother.

        Where was my mother? Who was my mother? Was Mossspots my mother? Owlpelt seemed to be Flamekit's mom, and she didn't mention anyone else. I closed my eyes, curling back onto the moss nest in which I had waken from. The chill of moonlight poured into the den from the cracks in the stone above me. What was this place? I guess I would just have to wait for the answers.

        "Hey, Spiderkit I'm back sweetie," a gentle voice had rose me from my slumber. I got to my paws, looking up I saw a new cat, a she-cat with a pale brown pelt and lime green eyes. "Who are you...? Are you another cat of this Oblivion Clan?" I questioned, I had never seen nor heard of this cat. She leaned towards me and and lapped my head purring,"I'm Frostpebble, your mother, oh Spiderkit you look so much like your father... Have you met the rest of the clan yet?"

        So my mother was Frostpebble, who had left me with an insane kit in a noisy crowded den with strangers? I shook my head, I hadn't even been out of the den yet. "I haven't left the den since I woke up, but why did you leave the den?" Frostpebble sighed, there was a hint of pity in her voice I could just tell. "Our clan, Oblivion Clan, doesn't have many cats to defend it. Plus, since we've left our old territory, we have found new cats that have been quite unfriendly..."

        I stared at her, once again confused. Why would a cat be unfriendly? Surely it must be someone's fault if they were so belligerent. "Why are they unfriendly?" I asked, hopping the answer would make sense. "Why don't you go find out for yourself? Grasskit, Flarekit, and Flamekit are by the elders' den," Frostpebble purred nudging me towards the mouth of the den,"You can go and ask them for stories about the past!" I forced myself into a duck, I didn't know that the lichen that hung from the ceiling was so soft.

        Outside the den was so hot. A few white circles flew in the sky, they were oddly shaped and fuzzy. Choosing the follow them, I stepped down from the den into the clearing. The ground was all stone, it was just a huge gouge in the ground surrounded by trees. The trees looked like spiky thorns that ripped up from the ground, at first I didn't even know that they were trees, that wasn't until I finally found myself at the elders' den by luck.

        The elders' den was directly across from my den, whatever it was called. Grasskit and Flarekit huddled around a large tom, and Flamekit bounded around a mouse that a she-cat had thrown. "And that's how Leopard Clan won over the river." another dark tom added to what seemed to be the other tom's story. "Nightpaw! Where have you been?! Where is my prey and why did you have to spoil the story of the young kits?!" the elderly tom yowled, standing up to nuzzle the appretnice's ear.

        Nightpaw? Was he named after his pelt being as dark as the night sky? I stumbled to my paws and hid behind a rock inside the den that was surrounded by a shallow stream of water that seemed to be coming from a crack in the den's walls. Nightpaw dropped a blackbird on the ground and shuffled it over to the elder with a smirk he added,"There's your smelly blackbird, and I'm going to be a warrior soon, Darkcloud." The elder picked up the bird and carried it back to his post by the kits.

        "Hey there little kit, I'm guessing you are Spiderkit, Frostpebble's kit?" It was Nightpaw, he had found me. I once again awkwardly retorted,"Well, yes... and you are Nightpaw?" Nightpaw nodded and nudged me out of the elders' den. My fur was still soaked by the mini stream, yet it seemed like I was roasting in the heat. "Don't play with those kits, they will be wasting your time Spiderkit," Nightpaw murmured. Huh? What did he mean by wasting my time? I just nodded however, didn't want to get on the wrong side of what seemed to be the only cat who cared for me even enough to notice me without using me.

        "Nightpaw! Get back over here or you'll never become a proper warrior!" It was a distant call from what seemed to be a black she-cat. Nightpaw sighed and whispered to me,"That's Bonestar, my mentor, before I was training on being a med cat but," Bonestar yowled once more,"Nightpaw! Over here now!" I just nodded again, and Nightpaw was gone.

         What was a med cat? This clan is so confusing... The rest of the days just seemed to follow the same pattern. Wake up, Frostpebble, elders, Nightpaw, nap time, then it would be late and Owlpelt would tell me to go to sleep. Some days, it would rain and I would have to stay in the den. At times Nightpaw visited me, but never Frostpebble until morning. Moons must have pasted I guessed, because Flarekit and Flamekit had moved out of the den and got new names. Owlpelt wasn't around any more, but Rainpelt and Birchtail were. Some times I would also see toms come into the dens and play with certain kits. The other queens said that they were their father, yet I never saw my father nor much of my mother. What was this clan.

        **NOTE: If you enjoyed leave a comment and a vote please! I will get back to you on any questions you may have and maybe even follow you too, new chapters coming out soon! -Dark**

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