Chapter 8

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"Get up you lazy cat! We are starting training now!" Nightstorm hissed in my ear. "Agh?!" I yowled startled jumping up from my nest. Rain was hitting the camp leaving its gentle song, Ravenpaw was already awake poking at herbs, and Nightstorm was standing right in front of me.

"Get up. We are starting training today," Nightstorm mumbled, turning towards Ravenpaw. I padded towards the piles of herbs on the ground that they were staring at. There were large leaves, dark jagged leaves, tiny dark green bundled leaves, lime green eyes that clenched onto a branch, and countless tiny flowers on bundles of leaves too.

"This is dock, we use to heal small cuts like nettle stings and such." The dark former med cat apprentice murmured. He placed his tail on the broad large leaves. Ravenpaw and I nodded, this herb stuff didn't even seem that difficult. Learn the herbs, and that's all! Then we can help the clan properly, and Nightstorm doesn't have to mentor us any more.

"This is water hemlock, its toxic and has no use is what I later learned after testing it on Smudgepaw." Nightstorm meowed, pointing his tail towards a green stalk of tall leaves pointed in different places, bulbs of pure white flowers grew in the middle of it.

Smudgepaw had lived the attack and died of poison?! Mouse-brain, he should still be alive! My eyes flashed in rage, how could he be so stupid to do something like that! Where did he even get water hemlock, that sounds like something that would grow by water.

"So you killed Smudgepaw with that herb?!" Ravenpaw hissed curling his white tipped tail. "He was in too much pain anyways, plus with that paw he would have to be a med cat too. Best that he is now dead." Nightstorm retorted. Ravenpaw sighed, and I watched as Nightstorm poked a pink and blue star shape flower. "...This is borage or burdock I think.... you can chew up this herb to make more milk if your a queen, and chew it up and place on a wound to stop bleeding I think..." Nightstorm confusedly mewed.

He didn't even know what the herb was or did? How are we to be trained if the former apprentice can't teach us. Even though it was clear that Nightstorm was wrong about the herbs and might be with the last two he told us, either of us said a word. I flicked my black tipped ear as the dark grey warrior placed his even darker paw on a pile of leaves.

"And this for sure is a raspberry leaf! You can tell because of its dark color and jagged edges! I remember this..." Nightstorm yowled with a smirk on his face. That's great mouse-brain. You remember one herb out of your training and don't even tell us what it does.

Nightstorm turned around and mewed,"Spiderpaw go get more herbs for the training and the stock, Ravenpaw is too hurt to go any where. Plus, he's going to be the main med cat so be needs the training, you already know some of this." Great. Send the three legged kit to go search for herbs I don't even know the names of or where they grow.

"Fine, I'll go find the herbs, but when I get back you better teach me more!" I yowled, limping out of the camp. It was still raining from last night, the sky was covered in clouds and the sun was no where to be seen. I padded down the med cat trail from its dangling grasp of the ledge of the rock walls. As I reached the floor of the camp, pools of icy cold water built up in uneven parts of the ground.

Water splashing with every step, I padded towards the north west of the camp. I now that way its safer to climb and that I'm not going to run into some thunder path. Then, I saw Flamepaw and Flarepaw sitting down in the rain, wearily watching over camp without a word. What were they doing? Were they warriors already?

Then a kind voice broke me out of my thoughts. It was Frostpebble! "Hey there Spiderkit, are you ok? I heard there was a wolf that attacked you yesterday- whats that on your leg now?" She asked. "I'm fine", I mewed knowing that wasn't the case for Smudgepaw and Chewpaw however," and this branch I tied is helping me walk."

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