Chapter 19

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I blinked, staring at the limp body in front of me as I now stood in the middle of the camp. Sweetpaw was dead. How could this happen?! I searched my mine for what happened today, nothing made sense. I padded up to her, her white and black fur was ruffled, blood trickled down from the back of her head. How could this happen. Why does everyone keep dying.

"She fell down a ravine. Acecard was able to get her out before she was swept away by the current but nothing else...," Speckletooth grumbled, staring at the frail apprentice with his deep blue eyes filled with sorrow. I just stared at Sweetpaw, too shocked to say anything.

"It's not my fault I told you all!" Acecard hissed, his amber eyes gleamed with rage. "I told you I found her in the ravine and tried my best to help her!" Mossspots rose from her seat next to Fishpaw and her dead kit, her blue eyes burned with rage.

"We never said it was you! Stop causing problems for the clan!" The dappled queen spat, recoiling back to Fishpaw and staring at her dead kit. Ravenpaw padded up next to me, watching the silver apprentice crying over her sister.

"Poor Fishpaw..." He mewed flattening his ears. I solemnly nodded, Fishpaw has lost all her siblings and doesn't have many friends. Acecard rose to his paws and padded away, turning his head back to his angry clanmates. To me, he seemed more happy about the death and more upset about us being angry at him than feeling pity.

"Whatever, next time let a med cat come with me and maybe things won't turn out like this!" He growled, glancing a mad glare at me. Oh Sweetpaw, why did this happen. I sighed, the other cats started to depart and padded away. Fishpaw, Mossspots and Speckletooth stood around Sweetpaw. Oh Star Clan, why do terrible things keep happening to us? Is this punishment for someone? What have we done?

"Do you want us to bury her...?" I asked, standing a good distance from them. Speckletooth spun around, his face was twisted in pain. It was odd seeing such a serious warrior sad. It was sad seeing him like that, from what I've seen before I didn't even know he had feelings.

"No, we'll bury her." He mumbled, gritting his blackened teeth as he spoke. I took a few steps back from them, dipping my head as I did so.

"Come on, lets get some rest." Ravenpaw mewed, nudging me away from the mourning family. I nodded, still shocked from what has happened.

"Do you feel like Star Clan is punishing us?" I murmured as we padded up the trail. Ravenpaw didn't turn around and shrugged.

"What more can they take from us." He mumbled.

You. They can take you away too. I limped into the den, placing down to few herbs we had gathered onto the pile. I'll fix those herbs later. I fell into my nest and curled into a ball, watching the camp from the view from our den.

"I heard Nightstorm was going to get his blessing from Star Clan today to be a leader since Bonestar is going to have her kits," Ravenpaw mumbled trotting into the den. Nightstorm as a leader?! My ears perked up at the sound of that. Star Clan wouldn't allow that! We are already have a leader! Do those cats have bees in their brains to agree with that?! Why doesn't everyone just be leaders then?!

"Flaresplash is his deputy, and Redstripe is Bonestar's new deputy. The clan agreed with all of this according to Froststorm." Ravenpaw mewed before I could reply. I sighed. This clan is going down hill. I lied down in my nest, listening to him.

"Good night, Ravenpaw." I purred, choking on half the words from what I have seen. Ravenpaw sat down in his nest, cleaning his paws.

"Good night," he yawned, shuffling into his nest. I nodded, staring back at the sky. The stars now shined like sunlight on the light waves of the river, and glowed with passion like a firefly. Sweetpaw would be among them tonight. Oh Star Clan, help us.

A moon has past. Another gathering yet again I wasn't invited to, wonderful. Besides that, it turns out Sapphire Clan is missing too now. In their place some Nettle Clan cats have taken their territory. Or at least was their territory I guess. There hasn't been any deaths since Sweetpaw died, thank Star Clan. Today, Sorrelkit traveled to the med cat den and started to play with us. She seems to enjoy this den.

"Got ya!" Sorrelkit yowled as she bounded at me. I rose to my paws, watching as she picked herself up.

"You know I'm not playing right?" I chuckled turning back to sort out the herbs. Ravenpaw padded up from the other side of the den poking Sorrelkit.

"Aww! But Ravenpaw is not fun to play with!" Sorrelkit mewed, jumping side to side. She turned around and poked Ravenpaw's nose with her tawny paw.

"Maybe you should stop poking my nose then!" Ravenpaw meowed, batting the kit away.

"Or maybe you two shouldn't play here?" I murmured, Sorrelkit was still leaping across the den.

"Oooh, can we play a game? Like moss ball?" Sorrelkit yowled. I nodded shuffling over a ball of moss. Why not? That's the only game without tackling each other.

"Mine!" Sorrelkit yapped lunging at the ball. I watched her play with the ball, batting it with her paws. Ravenpaw then hit the ball away with a single swipe of his paw. Sorrelkit chased after the ball, Ravenpaw followed. I wish I could play really, but this leg isn't going to let me I guess.

"Someone help!" Redstripe burst through the entrance to the den, his face looking worried. I spun around to him, his amber eyes looked flooded with fear.

"What happened?" I asked, hopefully it isn't that bad. Please don't be bad.

"It's Bonestar, her kits are coming!" He yowled, Ravenpaw turned away from the moss ball and padded up to Redstripe.

"Are you sure?" He asked, tilting his head.

"Yes I'm sure! Look just follow me! Nightstar isn't hear and you two are the only ones who know this stuff!" Redstripe hissed, turning around.

"Thanks, we really feel special being your last resort being med cats." I grumbled, picking up some chervil, raspberry leaves, fennel, and moss. Ravenpaw chuckled, picking up some borage leaves and poppy seeds. I was going to say something about the poppy seeds, like how if you give them to a kitting she-cat they can harm her kits and doesn't ease much pain, but I didn't say anything. Maybe Bonestar and her kits deserved that. Or maybe not, but before I could make up my mind I was cut off.

"Great, look just follow me!" Redstripe hissed, turning back to us and darted off. His red tail lashing as he ran.

"Wait can I help? I know some stuff remember?" Sorrelkit mewed padding up to us as we were leaving. Ravenpaw and I looked at each other than the kit.

"Um, look no. Not now anyway-" Ravenpaw meowed, nearly dropping the herbs.

"Over here you turtles! Good Star Clan your slow!" Redstripe yowled from across the clearing. Ravenpaw sighed, and we trotted away from Sorrelkit. I turned back to her, her head hung low and she padded back into the den. Poor kit, she really wanted to help I guess.

"Come on Spiderpaw, let's go!" Ravenpaw nudged me and we trotted over to Bonestar's den, under the Bold Stone. The den was odd, you had to climb up a ledge to get to it and when you did you would be at the same height as the Bold Stone.

"They are finally here, Bonestar," Redstripe mewed, lapping Bonestar's cheek,"I cannot find Nightstar, so Ravenpaw and Spiderpaw are here to help." She narrowed her dark blue eyes and hissed. It was hard to tell if her face was looking like that because of pain, or because she hates us. Good Star Clan. This is going to be a long day.

**Writer's Note: Finally here .3. Kinda short, but I hope you enjoyed! Today's question is, what do you think shall happen next?**

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