Chapter 10

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I froze. Why did he just yowl. I turned around, limping out of the den and searched the camp. Everything seemed right. There was a party of warriors and apprentice climbing the wall near the elder's den half way across the camp. Ravenpaw went to go check up on Sorrelspots. Something must have happened!

I leaped towards the den, watching as Flamefeather and Nightstorm, the last two cats of the patrol, haul themselves over the last stones and disappear. I glanced to my right, Sorrelspots was still in her den, then to my left seeing Bonestar turning around on her rock towards the charging patrol of warriors. Then it hit me. I had forgotten my herbs in the nursery! Even if someone was hurt I couldn't help them.

I rushed back, picking up the herbs and then turning away from Hollyshine about to ask yet another question. Queens, if she really has questions she could go ask the others. I dashed out of the den and started to climb the walls of the camp. Hopefully me going back down to get herbs didn't waste much time! Ravenpaw please be ok!

I hauled myself up the last rock, drawing myself back to my paws I glanced ahead of me in complete horror. The most horrid thing I've seen. Not even the monster I was hit by could compare to this.

Across the battle field, wounded, dying, and dead cats were scrawled across the ground. They were mostly rogues, however the scene was awful. Some had their neck's silted, eyes pummeled, bellies gouged into, and some had died of serve wounds. I looked around, searching for a wounded cat that I could help. Then, I spotted Parrotclaw.

I limped over to him with the herbs swinging from my jaws. Maybe I can save him! I looked over him. His neck had been bitten badly, eyes were pummeled, claw marks across his face and pelt, his right ear was bitten, he was dead. "Look out Spiderpaw!" Hissed Flamefeather, her voice sounded like she was struggling and at times in that one sentence it sounded muffled.

Without any time to react, a rogue leaped at me and bit the back of my neck shaking me like a rat! "Let me go!" I hissed through my gritting teeth, kicking back into the rogue's chest with my branch leg. I heard a thud, the rogue dropped me and was kick far enough for me to run. Glancing back, I could see the rogue gasping for air and Flamefeather lunging at him, black rogue, brown she-cat, and silver tabby rogue running up from behind her.

There was too many of them! Where was Bonestar?! Where was anyone?! It seemed like the only two fighting were me, Parrotclaw before he died, and Flamefeather. I skidded to a halt. My heart skipped a beat. On the ground. There lied a black lump of fur. It was around the size of an apprentice. It was matted in blood, claw wounds pelted it, its green eyes staring blankly into the sky. Ravenpaw no!

I staggered towards him, he was still breathing! Wait-- the herbs I dropped them when that rogue attacked didn't I?! Dear Star Clan, please live Ravenpaw, I'll go get the herbs! I stared into his weak eyes for a moment, he gulped dragging his claws across the bloodshed ground. I turned around, spinning away to go find the herbs.

"Spiderpaw and Ravenpaw back to camp now!" Hissed Bonestar out of nowhere. I watched as she jumped away from a dark brown tom who had been tackling her, now with a large gash down his flank and across his face running down his muzzle. "Back to camp!" She repeated, her lips drew into a scowl.

"But they are hur-" I tried to reason, crazy cat let me get the herbs to heal Ravenpaw! "Back to camp now!" she hissed, turning around to claw a rogue who had tried to attack. Without another word I turned around. I'll just take him back to the den and I can heal him there!

I limped to him, he was still breathing thank Star Clan! Seems like no one attacked him while I was gone, they must think he is doomed to die. "Come on Ravenpaw, get up..." I mewed through my muffled voice clamping my jaws around his scruffy helping him back towards camp. "The.. they- took Lightp- they took her..." she mumbled weakly through his aching teeth.

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