Chapter 17

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I wobbled down the trail towards the fresh kill pile. It smelled fresh, someone had just hunted. A few mice were surrounding the lump of prey, shrews and voles building up on the pile too. A crow, magpie, two robins and a chaffinch lied on top of the pile, forming a crown. In the feathers of the birds, an adder was coiled. Someone was also messing around with the prey it seems.

"Hey there Spiderpaw! What you doing over here?" Skullpaw meowed, trotting up to me. After everything being pretty quite, being sneaked up on like that made my fur bristle. I turned around to him, his blue eyes glowed like his father's.

"You should know its not good to sneak up on cats like that!" I spat, turning back to the fresh kill pile.

"Aww! Your no fun! No wonder your a med cat, everyone in the apprentice den must have hated you, your more depressing and serious than that loser Ravenpaw!" Skullpaw laughed, circling the pile of prey neatly piled up. That little jerk! My fur stood on edge, this cat is getting on my nerves. Don't he have anything better to do than mess around here? How dare he pick on Ravenpaw like that, he has been through a lot and how he is acting is a bit ridiculous but still, he is my friend. I watched through my pale green eyes as Skullpaw looped around the pile and was now facing me.

"Like this pile? I hunted that adder up there and Flamefeather helped me build this!" He yowled, closing his eyes tightly as he grinned. I sighed. This cat I swear. Is he mad, happy, excited, or just a little brat? I flicked my short tail, leaning down to pick up a vole, mouse and shrew. The pile of prey fell over, the adder toppled over and the birds followed it as they rolled onto the dusty stone ground.

"Hey! Look what you did! Do you even care?! You get back here and fix this! Hey! Hey! Get back here! Spiderpaw! Spiderpaw! Spiderpaw! I'll tell Nightstorm and Bonestar on you! Hey! Hey! Spiderpaw!" Skullpaw yowled, hoping back and forth. I padded away back towards the den, flattening my ears in annoyance. Stupid tom. I glanced up, seeing Bonestar's tail disappearing as she entered the den. Looks like Bonestar is checking up on Ravenpaw again. She has been doing that a lot lately, each day she just gets more attached to him as if he was her own kit. I limped up the trail, peering inside the den I could see Redstripe, Bonestar and Ravenpaw. Bonestar was poking at the herbs talking back to Redstripe and turning to Ravenpaw franticly.

"Hello there young Spiderpaw," Redstripe mewed turning from Bonestar to me," Bonestar Spiderpaw is back and can help now." Redstripe turned back to Bonestar nudging her towards me.

"Alright alright! Keep your fur on just a second!" Bonestar snapped, turning to me. Burdock and marigold hung from her jaws, if she was planning on getting some herbs for kitting those weren't it. I placed the three bundles of prey down and padded up to them, my wood leg occasionally sliding across the ground.

"What do you need help with?" I asked, glancing behind them seeing Ravenpaw was still sleeping, all depressed. Bonestar shook her head.

"I don't need any help I told Redstripe, but he insisted that I can here to check up on the kits! Like they'd be here in heart beats while he still takes forever to hunt!" Bonestar yowled, half in rage and half in a laugh. Redstripe sighed, Bonestar does have a point though. Her kits shouldn't be here for another moon or so.

"Well?" Redstripe asked. "When will they be here?"

"They won't be here for another moon or so," I mewed.

"See! Idiotic fur-ball! Now come on, lets get something from the fresh kill pile I'm starving!" Bonestar snapped, chuckling the rest. She nuzzled Redstripe and then playfully cuffed his ear with a soft bite and the two of the bounded out of the den. Glad that's over. I picked up the prey from before and padded to Ravenpaw. He was still sleeping, his chest enlarging and sinking with each breath. I placed a vole down by him, setting the shrew and mouse next to the table of herbs. Ravenpaw lifted his head.

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