Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Black Friday

Russia was sitting in his office, doing some paper work. (Ok, not really. He was actually trying to get his cat to get off his computer keyboard.) Suddenly, the phone on his desk rang, making the cat jump off the computer with fear. Sighing, Russia picked up the phone.

"Da?" he said.

"Hey Russia, It's me America." America said nervously. Russia raised an eyebrow in surprise. America rarely ever called him, and when he did, he usually only referred to him as that "commie bastard".

"What do you need, comrade?" Russia asked politely.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me this Friday." America asked.

Russia blinked in surprise. Someone actually wanted to be in his company?

"I guess I can go." Russia said after thinking it over for a minute.

"Great!" America said happily. "Oh, make sure to bring that pipe of yours. You're going to need it." Then America hung up the phone. Russia just sat there for a few minutes staring at the phone.


"Russia, you made it!" America said in relief as Russia walked through the huge crowd towards him.

"Da, but why isn't anyone going into the store?" Russia asked with a frown.

"You'll find out in a minute." America said with an evil grin.

"THE DOORS ARE OPENING!" Someone shouted from the front of the crowd.

"CHARGE!" America yelled, dragging a now very freaked out Russian into the store.

To say in was chaos would be an understatement. People were literally climbing over one another to get to the shelves. Two people were having a fist fight over a handbag. A man dived into a pile of towels screaming, "I LOVE THESE MOTHERFUCKING TOWELS!" The women were unmerciful, using their purses, high heels, and even their boyfriends as weapons. Employees were running around in a panic, trying to control the anarchy.

"Russia, I hope you brought your pipe, because you'll be shown no mercy here!" America said happily as he ran into the middle of the riot.

"What did I get myself into?" Russia thought in despair.

After two hours of trying not to die, America and Russia exited the store. America was holding a new video game, and Russia was carrying three large bottles of vodka.

"I thought you said we were going shopping, not entering a warzone." Russia said an annoyed look on his face.

"Oh, I guess I forgot to tell you that today is Black Friday." America said with an apologetic look.

"Americans are crazy." Russia said as he opened one of his bottles. He deserved this drink.

A/N: So, I know that America is not the only country to have wild Black Fridays, but you have to admit, it can get crazy

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