Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Music

"America, I am very angry at you!" Austria said crossly as he stormed into meeting room.

"Good job, America!" Prussia cackled as he slapped America on the back. "You finally pissed off Austria! I knew I was a good influence on you!"

"Look out behind you." Denmark said as Hungary swung her frying pan at Prussia's head. The familiar smack of a frying pan colliding with Prussia's head was heard throughout the conference room.

"What did I do?" America asked in surprise as he stared at the pissed off Austrian in front of him, ignoring the battle behind him.

"How dare you change my ringtone from Mozart, to Justin Bieber." Austria hissed, pulling out his phone and playing his ringtone. The song, Baby, started to play from the mobile phone.

"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, MAKE IT STOP!" America shrieked, holding his ears in pain. Surprised, Austria quickly turned off his phone.

"Thanks you." America said as he released his ears. "Now, I can be a dick sometimes, but I would never do something so evil."

"But isn't he an American?" Austria asked in confusion.

"NO, HE IS CANADIAN!" America wailed as he pointed at Canada. "BLAME HIM! THAT LITTLE HORROR CAME FROM HIM, NOT ME."

"Not like it makes a difference." Austria sniffed. "None of the music you make is good."

"Oh, you did not just say that." Denmark said in horror.

"Shit's about to go DOWN!" Prussia smirked as he glanced at America, who was fuming.

"Ok, I agree that some of the artists lately have been awful, (not all of them), however, my country has a large and rich history of music." America said with a frown.

"How so?" Austria asked. (At this point, Denmark was holding back Prussia from punching Austria.)

"Well, I've introduced many new kinds of music into the world. Off the top of my head, I have created Jazz, Blues, Rock, Pop, Gospel, Bluegrass, Ragtime, and Hip Hop." America said with a smirk as he watched Austria's jaw drop. "And don't forget that I gave the world Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong, the king of rock and roll Elvis Presley, and the king of pop Michael Jackson."

"Austria, I know for a fact that you enjoyed Art Tatum." Hungary said.

"You did?" America asked looking pleasantly surprised.

"Um, well, he was a very talented pianist." Austria said looking embarrassed. "But we're getting off topic. Who changed my ringtone?"

"I bet it was Prussia." Hungary said, throwing an accusing look at Prussia.

"Nein! It wasn't me!" Prussia said angrily.

"Don't look at me." Denmark said.

They heard a giggle from behind them. "Sorry, but you shouldn't leave your phone where people can mess with it." Canada said.

A/N: I always saw Canada as a prankster. Anyways, America has a long history of music.

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