Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Hollywood

When Germany had walked into the world meeting, he had been expecting the usual fighting and yelling. He had expected America to be shouting and laughing loudly, and the shouts of him to be quiet from the rest of the nations. So when he walked into the meeting and saw people begging America to talk and America refusing he couldn't help but wonder if his brother had put something in his coffee. Although he didn't join in on the conversation, he couldn't help but overhear what they were talking about.

"Come on, tell us." Prussia whined. "Why do most of the villains in Hollywood movies have English, Russian, or German accents?"

"Um, I don't know." America said with a nervous laugh. "It just happens."

"That is not an answer." Russia said with a frown.

"I have the right to remain silent." America said.

"Right, and Australia has a flying hippo." England replied sarcastically.

"I really wouldn't be surprised if he did." America said with a grin.

"Just answer the question." Prussia sighed.

"But, it's embarrassing." America said quietly. Then with a sigh he looked away from the group around him, turning slightly pink. "The reason that we use those specific accents is because they are often seen as, um, attractive. The main reason the Russian and German accents are attractive for villains in movies is because they are often seen as harsh and intimidating languages. Also they are the accents of the countries that the US has fought with in wars in the last century, so people just believe they are the best choice."

"Ah, that makes sense." Russia said.

"But what about English accents? You haven't fought with England recently." Prussia asked with a curious look. America coughed, and turned red.

"Um, it's not unknown that my people find the English accent sexy. So, um, well, the main reason the English accent is used in a movie for a villain is because the directors are trying to give the villain a sexual attraction. Or to just sound hot. Or intelligent." America was a deep shade of red by now, and he was avoiding looking at England.

"Oh, I'm flattered." England said with a cheeky smile.

"Don't let it get to your head, old man." America said, rolling his eyes.

"Americans are so strange." Germany thought as he tuned out the rest of the conversation.

A/N: Indeed Germany, we are odd. Americans do tend to give Russian, German, or English accents to the villains in their movies. Not because we think people with those accents are evil, but because they just fit the role best.

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