Chapter 25

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Chapter 25: Tense Relationship

"Are they still glaring at each other?" France asked England as he pretended to look at his notes.

"I'm afraid so." England said nervously as he glanced at America and Russia. America and Russia had been glaring at each other during the whole meeting, and the other nations were starting to get worried.

"Why are they glaring at each other? I thought the Cold War was over?" Italy asked Germany.

"Tensions have been rising between them for awhile now. The Ukrainian crisis and the Syrian Civil War have been putting a lot of stress on the two of them." Germany said as he patted Italy reassuringly on the head. "Don't worry, Italy. The two of them are still willing to work together."

"At least they aren't pointing nuclear war heads at each other anymore." Canada said with a shiver. "People seem to forget that some of those missiles were aimed so that they would have flown over me."

"At least your brother didn't try to beat the crap out of you." Cuba said with a scowl.

"You had it coming." Canada said with a small smirk.

Meanwhile, America and Russia were still glaring at each other. Finally, America sighed and broke the tense silence between them.

"Look, our bosses told us to get to know each other. I know that neither one of us wants to do this, but orders are orders." America said tiredly.

"Very well." Russia said. "I will start then. Why are your people so fat?" America scowled at Russia, and resisted the urge to give him a rude hand sign.

"Because of fast food. I thought I told you that already." America smirked. "My turn. Do Russians live off vodka?"

"No. That would be impossible." Russia replied, rolling his eyes. "Why do Americans smile so much? It makes you look stupid."

"Because we're warm and inviting people." America said flashing his Hollywood smile at Russia. "Why don't people in your country smile a lot?"

"They smile, but only when they have a reason too." Russia said with a shrug. "I don't think I have any more questions." For a moment, neither of them spoke. Then America glanced at Russia with a sad look.

"Why do you think we have never had a direct war against each other?" America asked with genuine curiosity. Russia gave America a sad smile.

"If either one of us were to use our full strength, we would end up destroying the world." Russia said thoughtfully. "I think that we might have a relationship similar to that of England and France. We can't help but argue about everything, but we don't want to lose the only other country that can match our strength.

"I think you may be right." America said, a small smile on his face.

A/N: For the most part, America and Russia do have a very tense relationship. Russians do think Americans are rather stupid and Americans think Russians are cold and unfriendly. However, from what I have seen from my research the two countries don't exactly hate each other. It seems like Russia and America have a tense rivalry more than anything.

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